JAKARTA - Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) infections include respiratory tract diseases that can be easily transmitted, especially in the home environment. This transmission is a special concern if there are vulnerable family members, such as infants or the elderly.

According to dr. Gatut Priyonugroho, Sp.P(K)-Onk, a lung and respiratory specialist from Eka Hospital Depok, there are steps that can be taken to limit the spread of HMPV at home.

"If family members live at home, their chances of being exposed to each other are quite large," explained dr. Gatut in his media gathering in Jakarta, recently.

Therefore, strict activity restrictions such as total isolation are not always possible in the household environment. Reasonable steps can be taken, such as asking people who are sick to temporarily sleep apart, especially if there are bigger children or other family members who are able to be independent.

However, for small children or babies who need continuous care, activity restrictions are not always practical.

"In a situation like this, extra attention is needed, but there is no need to force strict isolation," he added.

The use of masks is one of the effective ways to reduce the spread of the virus. The most important thing is that people who are sick must wear masks," said dr. Gatut.

The HMPV virus can be spread through droplets when a person coughs, sneeps, or talks. With a mask, this droplet can be contained.

However, dr. Gatut admits that not everyone is able to wear masks at any time, including health workers. Therefore, masks can also be used by healthy family members for additional protection when interacting with patients.

According to dr. Gatut, one of the important steps is to maintain the cleanliness of the house. The mandate tends to be attracted by gravity and stick to the floor. Cleaning the house by sweeping and selling it regularly is very important to prevent the spread of the virus," he said.

This habit helps prevent germs attached to the floor from being lifted back into the air. In addition, cleaning the surface of frequently touched objects, such as tables, door handles, and children's toys, is also highly recommended. Use disinfectant liquid to ensure maximum cleanliness.

Good ventilation is very important to update the air inside the house. "Make sure there is a regular air change, ideally by opening windows or doors," suggested dr. Gatut.

If possible, the room must have a fairly high air change every hour so that the air remains fresh. If opening the window is difficult, especially in a high-pollution environment, the use of tools such as air purifiers can be an additional solution.

Babies and the elderly are groups that are more susceptible to hMPV infection. Therefore, extra attention is needed in maintaining cleanliness and preventing direct contact with infected people.

Make sure the baby and the elderly still get adequate nutrition and live in a clean and good ventilation environment.

If sick family members need help, such as bringing food, medicine, or other necessities, do it carefully. Use a mask and wash your hands before and after providing treatment to minimize the risk of transmission.

Facing HMPV infections in households requires a combination of activity restrictions, hygiene, ventilation, and the use of masks.

"The most important thing is to prioritize protection for vulnerable family members, such as infants and the elderly, without ignoring the comfort and daily needs," concluded dr. Gatut.

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