JAKARTA - Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol Ade Ary said that the alleged perpetrator who killed actor Sandy Permana had cut his hair. This was done by the perpetrator while running away from the police after stabbing Sandy Permana three times in several parts of his body.

"The perpetrator deliberately fled and went into hiding to avoid being chased by our officers," said Ade Ary at Polda Metro Jaya, Wednesday, January 15.

"The perpetrator also had time to cut his hair while on the run to Karawang. Using scissors borrowed from the shop with the aim of not being recognized during the escape," he explained.

Previously, Sandy Permana's wife, Ade Andriani, had explained the characteristics of the perpetrator who killed her husband who had gimbal hair and had many tattoos.

"The characteristics are that if we are here calling him Limbad, because of his hair, then the person never talks, the body is full of tattoos," said Ade Andriani.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bekasi Police, Kompol Onkoseno Grandriarso Sukahar, said that Sandy was suspected of being the victim of the murder because 3 stab wounds were found in his body.

"Yes, that's right (Sandy Permana is suspected of being killed). The location of the incident is still around the victim's residence," said Onkoseno when contacted, Sunday, January 12.

But before he died, Sandy had time to walk before finally being found unconscious at one of his neighbors' houses.

"The victim was found injured, so he has not died, the victim is still walking, and in front of the house of one of his neighbors only then the victim fainted," he said.

"(The stab wound) is behind the neck, in the chest, in the stomach," he continued.

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