JAKARTA - Kidney failure is a serious condition characterized by reduced kidney function or stopping at all, so that the body is not able to issue waste and excess fluids optimally.

This disease is often a complication of other health problems, such as diabetes, hypertension, or an unhealthy lifestyle. In addition to these factors, improper use of drugs can also be the main cause of kidney failure.

Internal medicine specialist from Permata Depok Hospital, dr. Faradiesa Addiena, SpPD, explained that certain drugs can have a negative impact on kidney health, especially if consumed carelessly.

"Some types of drugs, such as pain relievers, have the potential to damage the kidneys if used without supervision," said dr. Faradiesa as quoted by ANTARA.

He reminded the public to be wiser in using drugs, by always prioritizing medical consultations.

"It is very important to ensure that the drugs consumed are in accordance with the doctor's prescription and are used only when necessary. Avoid continuous use, except for drugs that must be taken every day," he added.

According to dr. Faradiesa, some of the drugs that must be consumed regularly, such as hypertension and diabetes, have important benefits in preventing serious complications, including chronic kidney disease.

"These drugs must be taken according to the doctor's advice, because they can help prevent further kidney damage," he explained.

In addition to drug use, lifestyle factors and unhealthy diet are also the main causes of kidney failure. Diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, which are often associated with poor lifestyles, have a major contribution to kidney disorders.

To prevent this risk, dr. Faradiesa emphasized the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

"Prevention measures include a balanced diet, maintaining ideal weight, meeting fluid needs, exercising regularly, avoiding taking free drugs, quitting smoking, and routinely checking kidney health," he explained.

By maintaining kidney health, the risk of chronic kidney failure can be minimized, so that the quality of life is maintained.

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