JAKARTA - A nutritionist from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), Fitri Hudayani, said that the menu from the Free Nutrition Food program can still meet the nutritional needs of children even though it does not include milk.
"Fulfilling nutritional needs through diverse food ingredients is very possible, although without additional milk," Fitri said as quoted by ANTARA.
In the free lunch menu which has been provided in schools throughout Indonesia since Monday (6/1), there are options such as rice, chicken eggs or fried chicken, as well as vegetables in the form of carrots and broccoli.
Fitri explained, to meet the daily needs of children, the recommended portion includes 200 grams of rice, one egg, 100 grams of vegetables such as carrots and broccoli, as well as the use of oil in food processing. This combination can generate energy of around 575 Kkal (35 percent of daily needs) with protein of 16 grams.
Menu ini sudah mampu memenuhi sekitar 30-35 persen kebutuhan calori harian untuk anak usia 7-9 tahun, yang memerlukan sekitar 1650 kilokali per hari, tambah Fitri.
According to him, the daily protein needs for children are 40 grams, 55 grams of fat, and 250 grams of carbohydrates. Meanwhile, the need for calcium as much as 1000 mg per day can be met through complete nutritious foods, including the lunch menu that meets 30-35 percent of these daily needs.
Although milk is known as a source of energy, protein, fat, and calcium, this nutritional requirement can also be obtained from other food ingredients such as fish, eggs, vegetables, and nuts.
Fitri suggested that program organizers set standards for foodstuffs for each menu cycle so that their nutritional content is maintained and in accordance with their child's needs.
In addition, he emphasized that children's calorie needs will increase with age. Therefore, the portion of food needs to be adjusted to children at the PAUD, SD, SMP, to SMA levels.
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