JAKARTA - Paper suction has become a popular choice as an environmentally friendly alternative to replace plastic straws.

However, behind these goodwill, a warning came from Dr. Josh Redd, a chiropractor, said the paper straw might harbor hidden dangers to human health.

In a viral video on TikTok, Dr. Redd revealed that glue and coating on paper straws contain toxic substances to watch out for. For him, the use of paper straws is harmful to health.

"You know the paper straw that is said to be good for the environment? The glue that brings it together turns out to be very toxic. So, it's better to drink directly from the glass," he said, quoted by VOI from The Daily Dot page on Monday, January 6, 2025.

Seeing the video uploads, many netizens wrote various responses.

"No one is safe for us anymore!" complained the netizen.

"I'm sure what we drink through the straw is also poisonous," wrote another netizen.

So is a paper straw dangerous? Paper suction should use safe glue for food. However, in reality, many products do not meet this standard.

Lems on paper straws often break down into microplastics, which can have a bad impact on the human body. Microplastics have been linked with various health problems, including:

- Respiratory problems such as asthma and lung cancer.

- cardiovascular disorders, as found in studies in the New England Journal of Medicine.

The study shows that patients with microplastics in carotic arterial plaques have a 4.5 times higher risk of stroke, heart attack, or death.

In addition, the protective layer on the paper straw is a serious concern. According to Dr. Redd, this straw contains dangerous chemicals such as PFAFS (perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl), known as 'eternal chemicals'.

A study in Belgium found PFAS in 18 of the 20 tested brands of paper straws and bamboo. PFAS has been linked to various health problems, including cancer, liver disorders, hormonal problems, and thyroid disease.

Although the paper straw is considered more environmentally friendly, the risk to health is quite significant. So, what can we do?

- Avoid using a fully disposable straw and drink it directly from the glass.

- Use non-disposable straws such as stainless steel, glass, or reusable silicon straws.

Meski Dr. Redd belum memberikan komentar lebih lanjut, pesan dari video viralnya. Menurutnya, penting untuk mempertimbangkan kembali kebiasaan kita, bahkan jika itu tampak trilih seperti memilih straw.

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