YOGYAKARTA Nasi mandhi and biryani are typical Middle East dishes that are quite popular in Indonesia. Even so, many of us do not know the difference between mandhi and biryani rice, because these two dishes at first glance look the same.
So, what are the difference between these two types of dishes? Check out the full information below
Compiled from various sources, different rice mandhi and biryani can be known through materials, colors, aromas, flavors, to their home country. Here's the explanation
Nasi mandhi and Briyani are both made of basmati rice and a mixture of various spices. Even though it is made of the same ingredients, there is one ingredient that distinguishes these two dishes, namely yogurt.
Nasi mandhi does not use yogurt at all, while biryani rice uses yogurt in its manufacture.
The difference between mandhi and biryani rice in color is that mandhi rice is white and yellow or bright yellow because it uses turmeric.
In biryani rice, the color tends to be slightly reddish. This is because biryani rice mixes saffrons and tomatoes in its manufacture.
To make biryani rice, tomatoes are blended, then put in and cooked together with yogurt.
Nasi mandhi has a smokey aroma, because the cooking process uses a traditional oven called cassava. Not only that, the spice aroma on rice is also quite strong because it includes cardamom in the ingredients made.
While bryani rice has a fragrant and captivating aroma due to the use of distinctive spices.
The difference between mandhi and biryani rice can be recognized in terms of taste. Nasi mandhi tastes dominantly mixed from spices, and there is a smelly aroma due to the cooking process using traditional ovens.
In biryani rice, the taste tends to be spicy and warm in the throat. The spicy taste comes from the spices that are widely used.
Some of the spices used to make mandhi rice are turmeric rice, kapulagha, jintan, ketumbar, and lawing flowers. Meanwhile, biryani rice uses nuts, ketumbar, greetings, coja, mint leaves, ginger, onions, saftron, broth, masal salt, and yogurt.
Nasi mandhi is cooked with a traditional oven called sickle. The way to cook is by mixing spices and goat broth, then cooked with firecrackers on top of the fire coal.
When making mandhi rice, goat meat will be hung on fire until oil falls on rice.
In biryani rice, the way to cook it is to boil rice separately from the spices. After the rice is cooked, the spice broth is mixed in a closed container. The next process is heated until the spices are absorbed.
Nasi mandhi comes from Hadhramaut, Yemen. Nasi mandhi is a typical Middle Eastern rice dish popular in Gulf countries, such as Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen.
Meanwhile, biryani rice comes from South Asia, precisely from Indian and Pakistani countries.
That's information about different rice mandhi and biryani. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.
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