JAKARTA - Drinking coffee in the right way can provide good health benefits for the body. French biochemist Jessie Inchauspe shares tips on drinking coffee appropriately so that the benefits are obtained optimally by the body.

Compared to drinking coffee that has been mixed with various additional ingredients, Jessie suggested just taking black coffee. Reporting from the Daily Mail, on Thursday, January 2, 2024, natural black coffee does not add other ingredients including sweeteners is much more efficacious and safe if consumed regularly.

Jessie does not recommend using sugar or other type of white sugar as a coffee sweetener. He suggests using spices or stevia as a flavor enhancer from a black coffee concoction.

Another spill that is suitable for increasing the taste of black coffee is cinnamon. In addition to providing a sweet taste of spices, cinnamon also gives a soothing aroma when inhaled while sipping coffee.

Jessie also said that if you drink coffee with milk, the selection of milk must also be very much considered in order to remain beneficial for the body. He does not recommend using plant-based milk such as oat milk added into coffee.

This type of milk is considered to have a fairly high level of sugar. He still recommends milk coffee with a mixture of cow's milk in general.

"Susu yang ditambah ke dalam kopi Anda juga sangat penting," kata Jessie Inchauspe.

For someone who is intolerant of lactose, they can use plant-based milk made of nuts. However, with a note of using milk without additional sweeteners in any form.

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