JAKARTA - Reusable drinking bottles have become an important part of everyday life, especially for those who want to reduce plastic waste.
However, did you know that drinking bottles that are not regularly washed can be a breeding ground for harmful bacteria?
Dr. Jason Singh, a primary care doctor in Virginia, revealed that many people do not wash their drinking bottles frequently to prevent bacterial growth.
"I know there are people out there who may not wash water bottles for weeks, or just rinse them for a while before refilling them," Singh said in a video post on his TikTok account, quoted by VOI from the NY Post page on Thursday, January 2, 2025.
"Every time you drink from a bottle, you not only drink water, but also create a microscopic exchange between your mouth microbiomes and bottle surfaces. Bacteria such as streptokos and other gram-positive organisms can move to bottles and breed there," he continued.
Research shows that within 48 hours, bacteria can form biofilms on the surface of a bottle. Biofilms are layers that allow bacteria to reproduce and create complex communities. If not cleaned, this biofilm could be a source of infection.
A study in 2023 even found that reusable drinking bottles could contain up to 40,000 times more bacteria than the average toilet seat.
According to Dr. Singh, drinking bottles should be washed with soap every two days.
"Use soap, hot water, and brush bottles to mechanically interfere with biofilms. Clean it up to the corners of the bottles and let the bottles completely dry before being reused," he suggested.
However, several other experts recommend washing bottles every day if used regularly. If you don't have time to wash it every day, make sure the bottle is washed at least once a week to keep it clean.
Tips For Cleaning Drinking Bottles Properly
- Use Soap and Hot Water: Soap will help dissolve dirt and bacteria, while hot water will kill microorganisms that stick.- Use bottlebrush: To clean up hard-to-reach bottle corners. - Dry well: Let the bottle completely dry before being reused to prevent bacterial growth. - Wash Bottle cover: Don't forget to clean the bottle cap, especially if it has a complicated mechanism such as straws or flip cover.
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