JAKARTA - Travel as a mother is an important phase that requires careful preparation, including in fulfilling the right nutrition. This nutrition is needed from the time before pregnancy, during pregnancy, until post-birth to support the health of mothers and babies.
In this case, good preparation will help reduce the risk of complications during pregnancy and provide opportunities for children to grow optimally.
"Nutrition for pregnant women must be balanced, including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and vitamins and minerals as micronutrients. The composition must be appropriate so that there are no advantages or disadvantages that have the potential to cause health problems," said dr. Dewi Virdianti Pangastuti, Medical Marketing Manager and Health Communications Kalbe Nutritionals.
He explained that carbohydrates are the main source of energy, while protein not only functions as a source of energy but also as a constructive substance for the formation of tissues and hormones. Fats also play an important role in the formation of hormones, cell membranes, and maintain the health of reproductive organs.
Every nutrient must be fulfilled according to its portion. The nutrients consumed by mothers greatly affect the development of the fetus, from the formation of a nervous system to the formation of other organs, "added dr. Dewi.
The concept of "my plate content" introduced by the Ministry of Health can be a guide. One plate of food ideally consists of a third of carbohydrate sources such as rice, potatoes, or bread, a third of protein such as meat, fish, or eggs, and a third of vitamins and minerals from vegetables and fruits.
Dr. Dewi also emphasized the importance of fulfilling nutrition before pregnancy, even since the wedding planning. Nutrients such as folic acid are very important in the formation of neurotubes in the early stages of pregnancy.
Shortage of nutrition during this time can increase the risk of premature birth babies, stunting, and other complications such as preeclampsia and gestational diabetes.
"If mothers do not get sufficient nutrition, the risk of anemia, fatigue, and fetal development disorders increases. Therefore, it is important to maintain a nutritional balance throughout pregnancy," he said.
In addition to a healthy diet, additional special nutrition for pregnancy can help meet the needs of mothers. For example, special milk products formulated for the promil period (pregnancy program), pregnancy, to breastfeeding can be an option.
This product usually contains protein, folic acid, DHA, and higher vitamin D than regular milk, thus supporting maternal health and optimal fetal development.
These special nutritional products are also designed to address specific problems, such as nausea and vomiting in the early trimester of pregnancy, or help facilitate the production of breast milk after giving birth.
For breastfeeding mothers, the high protein content in the intake consumed can accelerate post-born recovery and improve the quality of breast milk.
The daily nutritional needs are often difficult to fulfill just from food, so support from additional nutrition can help. For optimal results, this consumption should be supported by a daily healthy diet," concluded Prenagen Brand Manager, Vania Shinta P.
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