YOGYAKARTA "sleeping position so that babies can be born quickly can facilitate the delivery process and reduce the risk of babies born in sungsang,"

Therefore, it is important for pregnant women to apply a sleeping position so that babies are born quickly when the gestational age is getting older and approaching the date of birth estimate (HPL).

Compiled from various sources, the following is a sleeping position so that babies can be born quickly which can be applied when approaching delivery day:

The sleeping position recommended for pregnant women to make babies born quickly is tilted to the left. This position can provide more space on the left side of the pelvic so that the baby will more easily enter the pelvis. If this happens, the delivery process will be faster and smoother.

For pregnant women, the position of sleep tilted to the left can also smooth the flow of a large vein called an inferior venous cava (IVC). This blood vessel works to bring blood to the heart and baby.

If the flow of blood to the fetus is smooth, pregnant women can feel other benefits, such as reduced back pain, lowering high blood pressure, preventing hemorrhoids, and lowering the risk of swelling in the lower leg that pregnant women complain about.

In addition to tilting to the left, pregnant women who are approaching delivery day can also sleep with a tilted to the right position.

According to research published in the journal Lancet, this sleeping position is safe for women to be 9 months pregnant and can accelerate the birth of babies.

Pregnant women who sleep in oblique positions are advised to put a pillow as a stomach support that is getting bigger. In addition, pregnant women can also put pillows on their backs to improve their comfort during sleep.

A tilted sleep with a pillow can help pregnant women with nine months to give birth quickly.

In order for babies to be born quickly, pregnant women are also advised to sleep in a child position; s pose, the position of prostration while bending their knees aka holding.

Pregnant women can sleep cutting slightly on their hips. This position allows the baby to move, push it to the pelvis, and make the birth process faster. To make it easier, pregnant women can add pillows to block their buttocks.

In addition to implementing a sleeping position so that babies are born quickly, pregnant women are also advised to do the following things so that the baby can enter the pelvis more easily:

That's information about sleeping positions so that babies can be born quickly. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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