YOGYAKARTA - Some people experience pain or left stomach pain. Although this condition is usually caused by mild symptoms such as a bloating stomach, you should not underestimate it. Left stomach pain that occurs for a long time or never subsides requires further examination.

Left stomach pain, which is a mild condition, will usually subside by itself within 1-2 days. However, if the stomach pain lasts a long time and is accompanied by other symptoms, it needs to be taken seriously. Stomach pain can indicate certain problems or illnesses.

In the left abdomen, there are a number of important organs that need to be considered and maintained for their health. Therefore, you should understand what causes left abdomen pain and how to deal with it.

To find out the cause of left stomach pain, doctors will usually check from the part or the location where the pain arises. This condition can occur in the upper left abdomen or lower left abdomen.

Here are some of the causes of left stomach pain based on the part that is experiencing pain:

The pain in the upper left abdomen is generally caused by disorders in the organs located below the left rib. These organs include runoff, left kidney, pancreas, upper intestine, lungs, and liver.

Although the heart is not in the upper left abdomen area, this organ can also trigger pain in the region. Here are some factors that cause pain in the upper left abdomen:

While lower left side stomach pain can be caused by several organs in the area, such as small intestines, rectum, large intestines, and leftureters. Here are some conditions or diseases caused by disorders in these organs.

In women, pain in the lower left abdomen can be caused by conditions such as ovarian cysts, menstrual cramps, endometrosis, ovarian torsion, ectopic pregnancy, or pelvic inflammation. Meanwhile, in men, the cause may be related to torsion of testy or epididymo-orchitics.

In addition, there are several other conditions that can trigger pain in the left abdomen, both at the top and below. It is possible that stomach pain is caused by constipation and food poisoning.

Handling the problem of left stomach pain must be adjusted based on the cause. For stomach pain that is relatively mild, how to overcome it can be done with the following steps:

You can do initial treatment to reduce the symptoms of left stomach pain through the following steps:

Apart from the simple steps above, you can also take medicines to relieve or reduce left stomach pain. Here are the drugs you can choose from:

It should be noted, avoid taking non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (OAINS) such as ibuprofen. The drug can actually cause irritation of the stomach.

That's a review of the causes of left stomach pain and diseases that may be experienced because of these symptoms. For stomach pain due to serious conditions, immediately check yourself with a doctor. Also read why the lower abdomen often hurts.

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