YOGYAKARTA Many of us do not know the dangers of smoking after eating. The habit of smoking a cigarette after eating is quite often done by smokers because they feel that these activities are very delicious.
However, behind the instantaneous enjoyment, this habit can have a bad impact on health.
Actually, not only after eating. Smoking activities at various times and situations have the potential to create various health risks, such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, and so on.
However, especially for after eating, here are some health problems that can be caused if you do this habit in the long term.
Many people think that smoking can keep weight ideal. However, the fact is that it is inversely proportional.
Smoking after eating or at various times and situations, can actually increase the risk of being overweight or obese.
Adapting the Plos One page, smoking can disturb the Indera taste in the mouth. As a result, when you eat or drink, you can no longer enjoy food like you used to. This condition can trigger you to add spices such as sugar.
On the other hand, excessive sugar levels in the blood will be stored into fat reserves. This is what makes you gain weight.
In addition, a number of research shows that cenderug smokers prefer to eat high calorie fatty foods such as fried foods and junk foods. This ultimately makes smokers susceptible to obesity.
The next danger of smoking after eating is that it can disturb the health of the digestive tract system.
When you smoke a cigarette, the nicotine in tobacco can relax the valve between the cavity and the stomach.
This can trigger an increase in stomach acid, so that the stomach becomes nausea and nausea. Please note, stomach nausea and rebuttal are one of the symptoms of maag disease.
In addition to increasing the risk of ulcers, smoking after food can also disturb the absorption of nutrients in the body.
Adapting the Jamaica Hospital page, nicotine compounds contained in cigarettes can have a negative impact on the body's system and how it works.
Well, one of the functions affected by nicotine is the body's ability to maintain the right nutritional levels.
Not only that, the absorption of vitamins and minerals is also reduced due to nicotine. Vitamin C is needed to prevent organ riots from being drained when there is nicotine exposure.
People who smoke frequently after eating are also more susceptible to osteoporosis. This is because smoking can disturb the absorption of vitamin D, a compound that helps absorb calcium from foods.
If the absorption of vitamin D is disturbed, automatically the amount of calcium absorbed by the body from food will also decrease. Well, the lack of calcium in the long term can make the body more susceptible to osteoporosis.
The next danger of smoking after eating increases the risk of intestinal and lung cancer.
This negative effect has the potential to emerge because radicals free from cigarette smoke can disrupt the work of the intestines.
A number of experts say that smoking after eating can increase usu cancer and the lungs multiply. However, further research is needed to prove this.
That's information about bahya smoking after eating. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.
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