JAKARTA - Tengku Dewi celebrity explained the income provided by her husband, Andrew Andika. He said that Andrew gave his last living when he gave birth to his second child last July.

"If you say you are not fully financing, no, but it seems that since he was caught in a legal case, he last spent time when I wanted to give birth there was a little transfer for the children," said Tengku Dewi in the Sudirman area, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, December 5.

However, Tengku Dewi tried to think positively that Andrew's finances were being disrupted after being involved in a drug abuse case some time ago.

"But here I just think positively because he's out of rehab, so he has to start again," said Tengku Dewi.

The mother of two children also doesn't expect to depend too much on Andrew Andika or anyone else and chooses to struggle to make a living alone.

"Yes, I'm honest now I don't want to hope to depend on who it is. I just tried and acted alone first because we never knew what would happen in the future, right," he said.

For information, Tengku Dewi and Andrew Andika are currently undergoing a divorce trial at the Cibinong Religious Court. Previously, Dewi presented a witness, her own best friend, Fairuz A Rafiq.

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