JAKARTA - Finally, the season you have been waiting for has arrived! The rainy season brings comfort after a hot, biting heat. In addition to providing fresh air and a greener atmosphere, the rainy season also presents a wet earth aroma, a cup of warm tea, and a delicious dessert. However, the increased humidity can often damage the appearance.

Don't worry, there is a complete guide for the rainy season dress style that will help you stay fashionable without sacrificing comfort. Here are tips and tricks on the fashion of the rainy season that you need to follow!

The rainy season is often accompanied by gray skies that can make the mood feel gloomy. For that, wear clothes with bright colors such as yellow, orange, green five, red, or pink. These colors will give encouragement and joy, even though the weather is cloudy. Try wearing a t-shirt, dress, or a simple shirt that is bright and colorful.

When choosing rain clothes, choose light ingredients that are easy to breathe such as linen, cotton, or organza. These ingredients will not stick to the skin and help the skin stay dry even though the humidity is high.

Open sandals are the best choice for the rainy season because they are easy to wash and dry quickly. Shoes or sneakers made from cloth are easy to wet and take a long time to dry. Sandals also prevent your feet from odor because they are easy to clean from mud.

With the puddles everywhere, wearing a long maxi dress can make your clothes dirty quickly. It's best to choose clothes with a comfortable mid-length and not too disturbing when exposed to rainwater. Dress or kurta that falls above the knee is the right choice.

Avoid heavy accessories such as large rings or bracelets that can disturb your comfort when carrying umbrellas or raincoats. Choose minimalist accessories such as a thin necklace or small earrings.

Unexpected rain is part of the rainy season. Having a water-resistant bag will protect your important items such as cell phones, wallets, or a wet charger. Choose a large bag that can accommodate umbrellas or raincoats.

Whether it's a bucket, cap, or beret, the hat will add style to your outfit and protect the hair from rainwater splashes. Not someone who likes a hat or worries that the hair is damaged because of the hat, try to consider a scarf instead.

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