JAKARTA - The feud between Denny Sumargo and Farhat Abbas was finally declared over after the two were summoned and invited by the Minister of Social Affairs, Saifullah Yusuf. Saifullah said that after mediation between them and exchanging ideas, it was finally agreed that the word peace would be agreed.
"I am very happy because Mas Densu (Denny Sumargo) and Mas Farhat can both exchange ideas. Then clarify each other. And what is also important is that thank God both of them can forgive each other," said Saifullah Yusuf quoted by VOI from YouTube Intense Investigation, Thursday, December 5.
On this occasion, Farhat Abbas added that he hoped that the issue of Agus Salim's donation, which was the beginning of his feud with Denny Sumargo, could be resolved.
"So, thank you, sir. God willing, hopefully in the near future Agus' problems can be resolved and because of the participation of the Ministry of Social Affairs," said Farhat Abbas.
Followed by Farhat Abbas's apology to Denny Sumargo.
"Therefore, with my relief, we forgive each other. And Bang Denny Sumargo's real dream is a good person. Why good people? That's why he was present today," said Farhat.
Denny Sumargo also said the same thing to Farhat Abbas in front of the Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs.
"I have also personally conveyed to Mas Farhat about what worries me and he is heartened," explained Denny Sumargo.
"I personally apologize if my attitude is offensive, especially when I visited (Farhat Abbas)," he continued.
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