JAKARTA - Tasya Kamila revealed that she has a way to make her child like mathematical lessons. As is known, mathematics is one of the lessons that many students don't like, because it is considered difficult and complicated.
According to Tasya Kamila, children who like mathematics must start to be introduced from an early age, not completely later to teachers at school. Before the child enters school, Tasya has taught him about the daily logic of using mathematics.
"It turns out that learning mathematics can really start from an early age. You don't have to memorize the symbols of one, two, three, but only from everyday logic," said Tasya Kamila in the Senayan area, Jakarta, on Tuesday, December 3, 2024.
Tasya Kamila's son, Arrasya, really likes to collect fans. This made Tasya introduce mathematics by asking the child to count the fans she has, so Arrasya gets to know the mathematics of something she enjoys.
"Usually it's taught which one is more, which one is less. My son is a collection of fans. So at that time he said'mama, I want a fan, I want five, but mom still gives me three, I want two more'. Can wait, this is a child, aged three years. So from every day, he can learn and love, and have logic with mathematics," he explained.
Not only counting, Tasya also taught her children to record from what they use every day. Arrasya is said to have many types of fans, so they are recorded by being grouped according to the brand.
"Right now, in our house, we have taught us to record, how many fans are there, because there are so many fans, what brands and models are different. He can count, what collections he collects, so he will want to shop for fans that he doesn't have yet," he added.
According to the mother of two, applying mathematics with everyday life will make children feel the lesson is fun. He said that the child's thinking system should be built by parents from home, so that while at school he can apply it better and enjoys learning.
"So actually mathematical application in everyday life. If we can create a fun environment to learn, hopefully at school he can apply that when facing lessons. Built from home the system of thinking, logic, and also reason so that he can become a happy learner," concluded Tasya Kamila.
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