JAKARTA - Slashing is often experienced by many people while sleeping.EARning is caused by obstructed or narrowing respiratory tracts, which can be a serious health problem.
Several ways can be done to overcome snoring such as lifestyle changes to sleep in oblique positions. However, recently there was another way to deal with snoring, namely by eating cheese regularly.
This was revealed in the journal Sleep Medicine, quoted from The Sun, Tuesday, December 3, 2024. The researchers say that they have linked higher cheese consumption to a lower chance of experiencing sleep apnea, which is related to snoring.
Research conducted on 400 thousand British by experts from Chengdu University, China. Several types of cheese they consume regularly reduce the risk of sleep apnea, namely gorgonzola cheese, cheddar, camembert, to manchego.
Through research, it was stated that people who regularly consume processed milk, including cheese, have a 28 percent lower risk of being hit by sleep apnea or throat closures, which causes severe snoring.
In fact, previously people who snoring were advised to avoid processed milk products before bed. This is because it is considered to worsen the problem of snoring by increasing mucus production and clogging the airways.
In addition to consuming cheese, adopting a healthy diet by consuming vegetables also reduces or overcomes the risk of sleep apnea. Therefore, it is important for a person to live a healthy life with nutritious food consumption to avoid sleep apnea.
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