YOGYAKARTA - Every person who has a social relationship or relationship with other people always has their own style of entanglement. The style of attachment itself refers to how a person will be bound by others. The style of attachment itself has several types. One thing to watch out for is the advocate attachment. Knowing the advocate attachment can be understood as a style of entanglement of avoidance that a person has that has an impact on his social relationship.
The style of avoided entanglement is a pattern of behavior that can grow in children or adults who have a negative view of others. This negative view then triggers children or adults to prefer to avoid others.
This pattern of avoided entanglement needs serious attention. The reason is, the resulting behavior will be inherent into adulthood and then have an impact on social relations afterward. In fact, this pattern will interfere with romantic relationships, friendships, and other relationships.
Quoted from Very Well Mind, Psychologist Morgan Anderson, Psy.D., saying that someone who has this style of engagement will find it difficult to get their emotions involved in a relationship. In addition, they will also go very much on themselves because it is difficult to get emotionally close to other people.
One of the reasons why adults have an advocate attachment style is the experience they have in childhood. For example, a child once needed the comfort of his parents but instead got his neglect.
When neglect is obtained repeatedly, children will start to stop looking for help and a source of comfort from others.
People who have avoiding attachment will show symptoms of anxiety and depression. Some of the things that are very visible from the owner of this style of entanglement are as follows, quoted from WebMD.
In addition, the behavior that also indicates that a person has the style of avoiding engagement is as follows, quoted from Very Well Mind.
That's information related to getting to know the advocate attachment. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.
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