JAKARTA - Anemia is a serious disease that lurks, especially for women who are pregnant. In Indonesia, cases of pregnant women with anemia are still very high and are often underestimated, even though it has a bad impact on their mother and fetuses.
Phharmaternal obstetrician, Dr. dr. Rina Irwinda, anemia in pregnant women can cause a decrease in disease in the child. The anemia will continue in the next generation if not treated properly.
"Children can become anemia. Then they grow up and if they are women, they will then become mothers who will also reduce anemia in their children," said Doctor Rima in the Pasar Baru area, Central Jakarta, on Tuesday, November 26, 2024.
In addition, anemia can also pose a fatal risk for pregnant women. Starting from preeclampsia, post-born bleeding, parinal infection, stunted fetal growth, premature birth, to abnormal baby weight.
The biggest cause of anemia in pregnant women is the lack of iron intake. Physiologically, a pregnant woman needs 1,000 milligrams of iron per day, which if not sufficient, the mother will experience a decrease in Hemoglobin (Hb).
Doctor Rima reminded a pregnant woman not to feel that she has sufficient iron intake by eating meat, high foodstuffs for iron. They still need additional supplements to meet the daily iron needs of pregnant women.
"This is what is often ignored, mother feels that she has eaten a lot of meat, or feels that she has eaten enough, but turns out to be still anemia. Therefore, it is still important to consume iron supplementation, vitamins, minerals, and fulfill the intake of micronutrients during pregnancy," he explained.
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