Take A Peek At How To Stimulate Your Child To Speak Fluently
Illustration (Willian Furtonato/Pexels)

JAKARTA - The growth of each child can be different from each other. This includes the ability to speak. There are children who speak faster, but there are also children who are slow. It's actually about this ability to speak and be trained at home. There is some stimulation that can be given to the child in daily activities. Parents only have to diligently teach the child to speak fluently in fun ways.

Here's how to stimulate your child to speak faster:

Invite children to talk

Even since infancy, children can already be spoken to. While breastfeeding, accompanying play, before bed, invite the child to talk about anything, including introducing that this is mama, papa, brother, grandmother, grandfather, and so on. Parents can also introduce the objects that are around. Although he has not been able to respond with words, the nerve cells in his brain can capture signals well and store them in memory.

The more you talk to your obrol, the more vocabulary your child will get and make him speak more fluently.

Repeat the same word

Initially, the child will say simple words that-that's it for some time, for example, mama, papa, mimi, milk, and so on. Parents can provide stimulation by mentioning the same word over and over again until they remember and the vocabulary increases. The longer it will be, the smoother it will be to speak more words until it can compose a complete sentence.

Sing a child's song

Well, small children are usually easy to remember the words of the song. Singing is a fun way of learning to talk. Choose cheerful songs with lyrics that are easy for children to understand and imitate. Repeat the song until the child can read the lyrics and understand the meaning of each word.

Read a fairy tale

Another way to do this is to read a fairy tale. The story can be anything, ranging from legend stories, religious stories, fables, and so on. Read fairy tales while the child is relaxing and say every word slowly so he can understand what you're talking about.

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