JAKARTA - There is nothing more beautiful than a life lesson from God that can be learned after someone goes through a tough test. That's about the message meilia lau delivered to Felicia Tissue after being able to move on from Kaesang Pangarep.

She uploaded a new photo with her second child on Instagram @meilia_lau. In the photo, Felicia looks very fresh, smiling happily while embracing her mother.

"You were made to do hard things, go through life challenges because God knows you possess strong principles &values that you can see the life lessons that He is teaching you," Meilia Lau wrote in her latest upload on Instagram, April 12.

Felicia Tissue (Photo: IG @meilia_lau

"You were chosen to do something difficult, through challenging life problems because God believes you have strong principles and values so that you can get a life lesson from what God taught you," Meilia wrote.

Felicia and Kaesang's love is broken in early 2021. The issue of their relationship began with Kaesang deleting all photo uploads on her instagram. He also unfollowed Felicia and Meilia. Whereas at the end of the year, rumors circulated kaesang had proposed and ready to ride pelaminan.

While still dating, Kaesang even earned the nickname king bucin because he often caught uploading romantic words for Felicia. The couple met while they were both studying at the Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore.

Their breakup became public consumption because Kaesang was suddenly caught moving to another heart. Another woman named Nadya appeared.

Felicia Tissue's mother was inflamed because Kaesang was considered ghosting and disrespectful for leaving her son without any confirmation. According to Kaesang Pangareo's confession, he had asked to break up in January.

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