YOGYAKARTA - In addition to being a means of communication, writing can also train children's fine thinking, creativity and motor skills, especially kindergarten. However, learning to write words for kindergarten children can be a challenge for parents and teachers.

What is the right way to introduce the world to write to early childhood? This article will discuss tips and tricks that you can try to help kindergarten children learn to write words with fun.

Reporting from the wearet Teachers page, here are some tips from education practitioners when teaching kindergarten children to write words:

Kindergarten students need to be taught how to form letters. This can be done in the context of writing sentences. Often, when students practice writing letters separately, they find it difficult to transfer handwriting skills to writing sentences.

In addition, start teaching capitalization, spatial and final reading signs while demonstrating the correct formation of letters.

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Involve your students in meaningful writing from day one. Children learn to talk by talking, and we know kindergarten children have mastered that skill.

Children learn to write by writing, even if it's a long series of letters at first just graffiti. They have to start somewhere.

The teaching task is to give them the tools to develop into confident writers by giving children time to write and draw every day.

Kindergarten children have a range of attention such as fruit flies. So it's important to teach them a fast skill. Mini lessons are great for teaching narratives, opinion writing, how to compose topic sentences, and various stages of writing processes.

This method refers to the game of teachers and students sharing pens. A student told the news teacher, and students were called to the blackboard to help say words and place the appropriate reading marks.

Kindergarten children like themselves, their family, and friends. Let them write about the topics they choose in their notes.

If children write about the same thing for a while, then that's okay. It's like reading the same book over and over again, because they are building confidence.

Reading and writing each other is related. Students can write their favorite part of a story or write letters to characters.

In addition, reading information and drawing text and labeling images is a great way to combine science and social research by writing.

Kindergarten students will often place a point at the end of each word or line. Teaching kindergarten children the concept of complete thinking is difficult because their minds continue.

In addition, give students the opportunity to share their writings with their peers. The more opportunities that are given to kindergarten children to express themselves, the less likely they will fail.

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