YOGYAKARTA In this article, we will discuss ways to complete menstruation quickly. The duration of menstruation can be shortened by exercising regularly, managing stress, and taking hormonal contraceptive drugs.

Haid or menstruction occurs when mature eggs are not seeded by sperm cells. This happens routinely and normally to women every month. However, for various reasons, women sometimes want to accelerate the duration of their menstruation. For example, wanting to go on vacation or perform the pilgrimage or Umrah.

The way to complete menstruation quickly aims to help reduce menstrual blood naturally and not force it to stop.

The length of menstruation varies with every woman. However, the average menstrual duration lasts 2-7 days. To shorten the duration of menstruation, here are some ways you can do:

Light physical activity carried out regularly such as walking, swimming, or yoga has proven to increase the health of the body.

In addition, this activity can also relieve menstrual symptoms and reduce the number of menstrual days. Exercise regularly is known to help promote blood circulation and minimize stomach cramps during menstruation.

In a journal entitled The Role of Water Intake in The Severity of Pain and Menstructural Distress Among Females Suffering From Primary Dysmenorrhea: a Semi-Experimental Study, consumption of enough water can accelerate the duration of menstruation or menstruation.

If the water needs are not met, the symptoms of menstruation will feel heavier. When the body lacks fluids, then you can experience longer periods. In addition, more bleeding comes out during dehydration.

Therefore, it is important to meet the body's fluid needs during the menstrual period. this can help relieve symptoms of stomach cramps, back pain, or speed up the menstrual cycle. Because mineral water can prevent thickening blood.

Stress and anxiety can actually affect the duration of menstruation. Therefore, try to always control stress, for example by practicing relaxation techniques or yoga.

Certain micronutrients, such as vitamin B, are proven to be able to maintain overall body health. In addition, this type of vitamin can also relieve menstruation symptoms.

Vitamin B6 is one of the nutrients that can affect menstruation. You can find these nutrients in several foods, such as eggs, fish, and unggs meat. Vitamin B6 can help improve the function of the pletary gland to normalize the menstrual hormone.

In addition to Vitamin B6, Zinc's intake can also help relieve menstrual cramps. In menstruation cases, Zinc is said to have the same effect as non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), such as ibuprofen, quoted from Science Direct.

The last way to complete fast menstruation is to take hormonal contraceptive drugs. The use of hormonal contraception, whether birth control pills or family planning injections, can relieve cramps and pain during menstruation.

In addition, hormonal KB can also regulate menstrual cycles in women. However, the use of these drugs must be in accordance with the advice given by the doctor.

That's information about how to complete the menstrual cycle quickly. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.

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