YOGYAKARTA - The skin around the feminine area, such as facial and other body skin, requires special attention to stay healthy. This area is very sensitive and prone to problems if it is not treated properly. Therefore, it is important for every woman to maintain skin health in the feminine area. But did you know what kind of sanitary napkin irrigation is?
By keeping the feminine area clean and taking good care of it, the risk of irritation can be minimized. Irritation in this area can cause discomfort that interferes with daily activities. In addition, maintained skin health also helps maintain humidity balance in the feminine area.
Proper care can help women avoid discomfort and health problems in the skin around the feminine area. In addition to avoiding irritation, routine care can also maintain self-confidence at all times.
Why Is The Women's Area Vulnerable To Irritation?
The feminine area has the outermost layer of skin known as the horn layer, but this layer is relatively thin compared to other skin areas. As a result, the skin in this area is more easily affected by physical and hormonal factors, making it prone to irritation. During menstruation, the feminine area tends to be more damp and sensitive, which increases the risk of irritation, especially if it does not receive good treatment. Early irritation symptoms can be in the form of light reddening, which can then be accompanied by an itching or rash, disturbing comfort in daily activities.
Irritation of sanitary napkins can arise due to several factors, especially if sanitary napkins do not match the skin. The surface of sanitary napkins that are rough or less elastic can cause friction on the skin, potentially cause injury or irritation.
In addition, additional chemicals such as fragrances or embeddings on sanitary napkins can also trigger irritation for some women. This condition is usually exacerbated in women who are active outdoors or in hot places, which causes the surrounding areas to moisturize due to sweat.
Women who often jostle or ride motorbikes are also prone to sanitary napkin irritation. If sanitary napkins are not absorbed enough and do not support good air circulation, the risk of irritation will increase, because the skin in the feminine area cannot "respire" properly.
How To Prevent Verbal Irritation During Haid
To reduce the risk of irritation, maintenance of the feminine area and healthy habits need to be applied, especially during menstruation. Here are some steps that can be taken:
1. Select the Corresponditures
Use sanitary napkins that have a soft surface and do not contain additional ingredients such as perfume or fragrances, which can irritate sensitive skin. Solubles with good air circulation will also help the skin of the feminine area stay dry.
2. Change of Bankruptcy in a Regulated manner
Try to change sanitary napkins every 3-4 hours, or more often if there is a lot of menstrual blood, to avoid excess moisture.
3. Wear Comfortable Clothes
Avoid tight clothing, especially during menstruation, because it can worsen friction in the feminine area. Choose clothes with light ingredients and absorb sweat to maintain comfort.
Clean the Women's Area Properly: Use clean water to wash the female area every time you urinate or before changing the sanitary napkins. Dry gently using a clean tissue or towel. Make sure there are no remaining tissue or cloth fibers left in the area, because it can be the cause of irritation.
By applying the steps above, women can undergo menstruation more comfortably without a skin irritation disorder. If irritation occurs and gets worse, causing pain, swelling, or even difficulty urinating, it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor for further treatment.
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