JAKARTA - The pesticide residue in imported fruit that is dangerous for the body lately is attracting public attention. This often raises its own concerns for fruit connoisseurs to be able to enjoy the fruit safely.

Three major institutions in Thailand found that there are dangerous muscat wines that contain pesticide residue exceeding the threshold and are still being sold freely. The discovery sparked public concern, especially countries that import muscat glow wine from China.

For this reason, the dietitian from the National Central General Hospital (RSUPN) Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta Fitri Hudayani explained several tips to be able to enjoy healthy and safe imported fruit.

"The risk of pesticide consumption is the presence of health problems, which allow pesticides to arise, which are chemicals that are not used for food," Fitri said as quoted by Antara.

Although there have been no findings of residual hazardous pesticides in the lava muscat wine in Indonesia. However, the Indonesian government through BPOM has coordinated with the Ministry of Agriculture to conduct sampling tests in various shops and markets to ensure the safety of the products in circulation.

Fitri also explained that there are several steps that can be taken to reduce pesticide residues that may still be in the fruit layer. Starting from washing fruit before consumption to peeling fruit skins.

"If we consume food ingredients that are suspected of containing pesticides, treatment must be taken to reduce the risk," said Fitri.

Cara yang bisa kita lakukan seperti mencuci bersih (buah) dengan air berliri, atau menggunakan sabun yang aman untuk makanan, atau dikupas jika makanan atau buah tersebut bisa dikupas".

In addition to paying attention to the cleanliness of fruit, Fitri also suggested that the consumption of fruit, especially wine, can be adjusted to daily needs.

Wine has a fairly high carbohydrate content, so limit the consumption of wine to people with certain health conditions, for example in people with diabetes mellitus.

"The average wine nutritional value based on the list of foodstuffs is 50 Kkal Energy, with a Carbohydrate of 12 grams in every 20 wine or 165 grams in size," said Fitri.

"If wine is larger in size, for example, muscat wine, it can be converted to 10 pieces per meal or other types of wine which are quite large in size," he continued.

Although the consumption of wines must be limited to some people under certain conditions, wine is good for consumption because it contains vitamins and antioxidants. In addition to wine, consumption is also another fruit variant so that the body benefits from a variety of fruits, such as papaya, oranges, melons, bananas, and others.

"Consumption of safe fruit is choose fresh fruit, clean wash fruit before consumption, and certain fruit can be peeled first," said Fitri.

"(However), the fruit that has been removed must be consumed quickly to prevent contamination from food and air equipment," he said ending the conversation.

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