YOGYAKARTA - Friday night is one of the special nights, where Allah SWT opens the doors of heaven and grants the prayers of His servants. So it's not uncommon for many people to do their deeds on Friday night.

Many hadiths mention the priority of Friday night, one of which is the recommendation to increase worship and charity. With sincere and sincere intentions, these practices will bring great blessings and rewards.

Friday, as a special day in Islam, keeps a myriad of virtues. Reporting from the West Java NU page, in a hadith narrated by Imam Syafi'i and Imam Ahmad, it is stated that Friday is a "king of all days" in the sight of Allah.

The privilege of Friday is so great, even beyond Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. Several important events in Islamic history also occurred on Fridays, such as the creation of Prophet Adam and his death.

In addition, there is a mustajab time on Friday where a servant's prayer will be answered, as long as he does not ask for sins or decide on friendship.

One of the practices recommended on Friday night is to increase dhikr and pray. In addition to praying for ourselves, we can also take advantage of this time to be wary or istighosah, ask Allah SWT through the intermediaries of the prophet, priests, or pious people, for the good of us and our loved ones.

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In a relationship with Allah through the reading of the Qur'an becomes a highly recommended practice on Friday night. Letters such as Al-Kahfi and Yasin have enormous virtues.

Rasulullah SAW said that people who read the letter of Al-Kahfi on Friday will get light between two Fridays (HR. Al-Hakim).

In addition, reading the Letters of Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, and An-Nas seven times after Friday prayers also became highly recommended practices as a form of self-protection.

Commemorating the Prophet Muhammad SAW by singing prayer is a highly recommended practice, especially on nights and Fridays. You can sing prayer beads, al-Barjanji, or other prayer beads.

In addition, there are hadiths shahih saying, "Whoever prayed a lot to me on Friday and Friday night, then Allah will double his reward ten times." (HR. al-Baihaqi)

There are several hadith shahih explaining the priority of bathing before Friday prayers. Ibnu Khuzaimah and Ibnu Hibban narrated hadith which advises Muslims, both men and women, to take a bath before Friday prayers.

Meanwhile, the hadith history of Bukhari and Muslims narrated by Ibnu Umar also confirmed the same thing. This bath is done from dawn until before Friday's sermon begins.

Although not a mandatory requirement, bathing before Friday prayers is highly recommended as a form of respect for Friday prayers as well as to clean yourself up.

Before performing Friday prayers, Rasulullah SAW advised his people to cut their nails and shave the mustache.

This sunnah practice, as narrated by Imam Al-Baihaqi in the book Assunanul Kubro, contains wisdom to maintain personal hygiene and perform neatly when worshiping.

In addition to some of the above practices, there are also several sunnah practices that are recommended to be carried out on Friday including dressed in white, using fragrances, reading prayers when leaving the house, and rushing to the mosque.

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