The seven wonders of the new world stemmed from a campaign that began in 2000 by a Swiss foundation. The campaign was carried out to start an update, given that the 7 wonders of the original ancient world structured in the 2nd century BC, only one site still stands, namely the Pyramids of Giza. Voting to determine the 7 wonders of the new world was followed by more than 100 million votes, and in 2007 the final results were announced.

Citing the New 7 Wonders page, below is a list of 7 new world wonders:

In line with this, quoted from Britannica, below is a brief explanation of the 7 wonders of the new world:

In 1911, the Inca site near Cushco, Peru was discovered byction Bingham. He believes that the site is Vilcabamba. Vilcabamba is an Inca secret stronghold that was used during the 16th century uprising against the Spanish government. Although these claims were further denied.

Another opinion says that Machu Picchu is a pilgrimage site, while others also believe the site is a royal resting place.

The Great Wall of China is one of the largest building constructions in the world, which is estimated to have a length of about 8,850 km. However, in a study it claims its length reaches 21,200 km. However, this study is still uncertain and is still debated.

The construction of the Great Wall of China began in the 7th century BC and lasted for 2,000 years, with the aim of eliminating invasions and attacks. However, some observers argue that the large wall was founded as political propaganda.

The next seven wonders of the world are Christ the Redeemer, the colossal statue of Jesus who stands on Mount Corcovado, Rio de Janeiro. The origin of the construction of this statue is because some Brazilians are worried about the corruption wave' that occurred right after World War I.

They suggested setting up a statue, which was eventually designed by Heitor da Silva Costa, Carlos Oswald, and Paul Landowski. Construction began in 1926 and finished five years later. Christ the Redeemer finished and stood 30 meters high (not including a base 8 meters high).


The mausoleum complex in Agra in India is believed to be one of the most iconic monuments in the world and the best example of the Mughal architecture. The Taj Mahal was founded by Emperor Shah Sajan in honor of his wife Mumtaz Mahal who died in 1631 while giving birth to their 14th child.

It took about 22 years and as many as 20,000 workers to establish the complex, which includes a very wide garden with reflecting pools of light. The magnificent building, which is included in the list of 7 wonders of the world, is made of white marble with its magnificent central dome, and is surrounded by four smaller domes.

Taj Mahal (Mohd Aram/Unllah)

The Colosseum in Rome is one of 7 world powers founded in the first century on the orders of Emperor Vespasianus. The Colosseum building is an amphitheater measuring 189 x 156 meters and has a complicated dome system, which can accommodate as many as 50,000 spectators.

The most prominent show was a mire fight. According to some estimates, there were approximately 500,000 people killed in the Colosseum.

One of the 7 next world wonders is the ancient city of Petra in Jordan. The city is located in a remote valley between mountains and sandstone cliffs. The building is said to be one of the places where Musa hit the rock from which water burst out.

At its peak, the city of Petra is known to be occupied by a population of 30,000 people. However, after large earthquakes in 363 and 551 AD, Petra was gradually abandoned.

Chichén Itzmen are the cities of Maya that developed in the 9th and 10th centuries on the Yucat total peninsula in Mexico. Under the Maya Itz style, there are several monuments and temples built that have a very influential color by Toltec (the ancient Mexican civilization).

Among the most famous are the El Castillo pyramid which is built about 24 meters high above the Main Square. The astronomical capabilities of the Maya tribe are evident from the structure featuring a total of 365 steps, the number of days in one solar year.

That's a list of the wonders of a new world that we can find out. Hopefully useful. Visit to get other interesting information.

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