JAKARTA - High cholesterol in the blood can trigger various diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes. In order not to become complacent, then be aware of the signs of high cholesterol. Apart from being able to be checked with a blood test, these are also signs that your body is not well.

Persistent sleepiness

Wake up but still sleepy? Reporting from Kompas, Tuesday, April 6, this could be one of the effects of high cholesterol and experiencing blockages in blood vessels. The oxygen to the brain that is carried by the blood gets stuck, so that drowsiness attacks.

Tiring easily

Symptoms of high cholesterol are not specific unless confirmed by a blood test. But usually people with high cholesterol experience fatigue even though they don't have much activity. This is caused by the presence of plaque from cholesterol deposits in the blood.

Chest pain

This is not an ordinary sign, because chest pain not only indicates high cholesterol but also something happening to the heart and stomach. If you feel this, immediately check or check blood and consult a specialist in internal medicine.

Neck stiff and sore

The cause of the neck feeling stiff and sore, one of which is due to the buildup of cholesterol plaque in the blood. Although not the only reason, but you need to be aware of this condition. Because blood flow to the brain will be obstructed, it will be annoying.

Experiencing xanthomata

Xanthomata are visible swellings on the skin due to cholesterol buildup. Yellowish color and small round shape. A person with high cholesterol will find it on the skin.

The xanthelasma appears under the eyes

High cholesterol, most validly proven by laboratory checks. You can also check it yourself at home with a simple tool. This tool can also simultaneously check blood sugar and uric acid levels.

tanda kolesterol tinggi di mata
Illustration of lower eyelid check (Freepik)

Well, high cholesterol can also be characterized by the appearance of xanthelasma or yellow patches on the lower eyelid.

Clumped veins

High cholesterol, besides being caused by an unhealthy diet, can also be accompanied by genetic factors. This can be recognized by finding lumps in the tendons. The size is not big, only half a pea.

What is normal cholesterol level? When experiencing the signs above, you really need to check cholesterol levels. If the number shows above 240 mg / dl, it can be said to have high cholesterol.

High cholesterol makes you uncomfortable in your activities. Therefore, it is necessary to take ways to lower cholesterol levels such as eating foods high in magnesium, fiber, low in calories, avoiding consumption of foods containing trans fats, and being diligent in exercising.

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