The pawn can be used as one of the solutions chosen by someone when they have financial problems. However, there are some Muslims who still feel doubtful regarding the law of pawning goods in Islam.

Reporting from KBBI, the pawn is to borrow money within a certain time limit by handing over goods to be used as their dependents. However, if it is time for the item not to be redeemed, then the item becomes the right to provide the loan.

Under certain conditions, can a Muslim carry out a pawn? The following is an explanation of the pawn law in Islam.

In Arabic, pawn is called rahn. Reporting from the official OJK website, rahn is a word that contains a lot of understanding, one of which is fixed and sustainable.

As for the term sharia, rahn is to use property as collateral for debt to be repaid with this guarantee when someone cannot pay it off. Thus, the law of pawning transactions in Islamic fiqh is generally known as al rahn.

Muslim people do not need to worry about carrying out pawning because the law isbah or allowed. One of the legal grounds is the Al-Quran letter of the Al-Baqarah verse 282-283.

In the book Law of Islamic Treaty in Indonesia, According to Abdul Ghofur Anshori, in paragraph 282 of Allah obeys you, "Hey believers, if you are not in cash for a specified time, can you write it down..."

Meanwhile, in the letter Al-Baqarah paragraph 283, there is a sentence that explains further about pawning. This is what the verse reads:

If you are on your way you don't get a writer, then there should be dependents held (by receivables). However, if some of you trust some of the others, then what is believed is to fulfill their mandate (her debt).

The basis of pawning in Islam can also be found in several hadiths of the Prophet SAW. One of them is the hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslims below.

From Aisyah ra said, "Rasulullah SAW once bought food from a lecherous person and he pawned it to him his iron shirt."

In another hadith from Abu Hurairah ra, Rasulullah once said:

If there are livestock pawned, then the back can be climbed (by those who receive the pawn), because it has spent (preserving) it. If the livestock is pawned, then the heavy milk can be drunk (by the person receiving the pawn) because it has spent (preserving) it. To the person who rides and drinks, then he has to pay (treatment).

To avoid the trap of usury, pawn practices should not be carried out carelessly. Therefore, according to Al Ikhlas, Lc., MA in the book Islamic Religious Education, there are elements and pawn requirements in undergoing pawn transactions.

The ulama said that there are four pillars that must be fulfilled in pawning, namely pawned goods, debts, contracts, and the existence of two parties transacting.

The purpose of the transaction party is Rahin and Murtahin. Rahin is a pawner, while Murtahin is the pawn recipient.

In the same source, it is explained that there are four conditions that must be met in pawned transactions.

Such is the review of the pawning law of goods in Islam. Visit to get other interesting information.

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