JAKARTA - Hearing the phrase 'This is Budi', the 90s generation will immediately remember reading lessons from the first grade of elementary school. This popularity Budi has inspired the Indika Foundation, Paragon Pictures, Ideosource Entertainment and Inibudi.org in releasing an animated series titled Ini Budi.

This animated series Budi has a mission to provide shows about diversity from an early age. This Budi tells about the friendship of 5 9 year old children named Budi, Iwan, Wati, Beta, and Ni Luh, who are of different ethnicity, culture, language, social, economy and religion, as well as the different personalities of each child.

This diversity is what makes it interesting in every episode of the series. In addition, there is the figure of Nur's mother, the owner of the shop, who Budi and his friends always use as a place to rest after they play in the field of Bumi Damai Indah sub-district.

"The figures of children who, even though they come from various backgrounds, can be fun friends. Good friends regardless of their background are issues that we miss happening in Indonesia lately. Second, the story contains good values such as empathy, not bad. I thought, to tolerance. These values are in accordance with the mission carried out by the Indika Foundation. These values can be a positive provision for children's audiences while living in the community, "said Ayu Kartika Dewi, Managing Director of the Indika Foundation during a discussion. with virtual media, Monday, April 5.

Paragon Pictures producer, Ellen Xie revealed that the main reason for Ini Budi's birth was the need for knowledge of diversity, tolerance and diversity from an early age. The uniqueness of Indonesia is its diversity.

"Unfortunately we don't have a child idol who gives an example of how diversity actually makes life much more colorful and complementary. Here, we hope that Budi can answer that anxiety and can become a new idol and become a legacy for our children and grandchildren," he said .

The animated series "Ini Budi" can be watched for free via the Instagram account @kartuninibudi and the youtube channel "this cartoon is budi", on April 13, 2021, which coincides with the first day of fasting. Inibudi.org will help disseminate Ini Budi's animated cartoon to remote areas without internet.

“I believe we all believe in the power of stories. We also believe that cinema / film has the power to convey educational messages. Through films, let alone animated films, children are exposed to situations that are not necessarily experienced daily but are actually full of positive values. With Ini Budi's series, children are trained to develop empathy, to meet various characters who add to the breadth of their perspectives, to get to know Indonesia with all its uniqueness and diversity. " Explained Najeela Shihab from Inibudi.Org.

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