YOGYAKARTA Medicines (tablets, capsules, and dry suspensions) containing Amoxicilin are generally present in trihydrate chemical form known as Amoxicellin Trihydrate. This type of drug can be used to treat diseases caused by bacterial infections, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, infections in the ears, nose, throat, skin, and urinary tract.

So, what are the differences between Amoxicillin and Amoxicillin Trihydrate? Come on, find out the answer in the following review.

Quoted from AI-Care, Amoxicillin is an extensive spectral antibiotic that belongs to the fire category. This type of antibiotic is effective enough to kill disease-causing bacteria, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Eschericia coli, Salmonella, Bacillus cereus, Helicobacter pylori, and so on.

Amoxicillin works by inhibiting the formation of bacterial cell walls, so that bacteria will experience analysis or destruction.

Amoxicillin is included in the hard drug category so its use must be in accordance with the doctor's prescription and recommendation. This drug can be consumed by children and adults at the appropriate dose.

Adapting the PubChem page, Amoxicillin Trihydrate is a form of hydrate (derivative semisynthetic antisynthetics) from Amoxicillin and can be used singlely or combinatorially with other drugs to treat bacterial infections. This drug serves as antibacterial and antimicrobial.

In research published in the International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Amoxicillin Trihydrate has better stability in the form of monohydrate, dihydrates and anhydrates.

Thus, the difference between Amoxicillin and Amoxicillin Trihydrate actually lies in its chemical structure and stability. However, both of them have the same activity, namely stopping the growth of bacteria that cause infection. The provision of Amoxicillin trihydrate tablets is equivalent to amoxicillin anhydrate 500 mg.

In a journal titled Amoxicillin: A Broad Spectrum Antibiotic by Simar Preet Kaur (2011), Amoxicillin is effective enough to overcome various diseases caused by bacterial infections, such as:

Sometimes, Amoxicillin is also combined with other drugs to treat Helicobacter pylori bacteria, bacteria that cause ulcus or stomach hatchlings.

Sedians of drugs containing Amoxicillin are generally made in the form of tablets, dry suspensions, capsules, and injections.

The difference in preparation has different ways of using and doses according to the needs of patients.

The following are recommended doses and rules for using the Amoxicillin tablet according to the condition of the disease.

Ear, Nose And Sore Infections

Respiratory Channel Infection

Adapting AI-Care, Amoxicillin should not be given to patients with the following conditions:

This is information about the differences between Amoxicillin and Amoxicillin Trihydrate. Get news updates of other selected options only on VOI.ID.

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