YOGYAKARTA - Every relationship must have experienced a conflict, be it a romantic relationship, friendship, or family. However, if the conflict is not resolved immediately or allowed to drag on, this can cause a breakdown and even end of the relationship. This condition usually gets worse because of poor conflict management in relationships.

Do not let you and your partner do bad conflict management. When conflict management in relationships doesn't go well, small problems can develop into big debates that damage mutual trust and comfort in communicating.

Therefore, it is important to have a good conflict management strategy in order to maintain the harmony of the relationship. So what are bad conflict management like in a relationship that we should avoid?

Here are some signs of bad conflict management in relationships and are often a habit or repeated by your partner. It is better if you avoid the following things or prevent them so that the relationship condition does not become more tenuous or become more chaotic.

One of the main signs of bad conflict management is the habit of blaming each other. Instead of finding a solution, both sides are more focused on who is wrong in the situation. This not only prolongs the problem but also creates a sense of revenge and dissatisfaction in the relationship.

Not a few people choose to avoid confrontation on the grounds that they don't want to worsen the situation In fact, avoiding problems will not make it disappear, on the contrary the problem can accumulate and become a time bomb that is ready to explode at any time. Avoiding conflict is a sign that communication in relationships is not going well.

Communication is the main key in resolving conflicts. When communication in relationships becomes ineffective, small problems can get bigger. Unclear communication, often cuts off talks or uses painful words will only worsen the situation and hinder the conflict resolution process.

A high ego is often the main cause of failure in conflict management. When both parties do not want to give in or compromise, a solution will never be found. A high ego makes it difficult for a person to accept mistakes or suggestions from his partner, which ultimately hinders efforts to find a way out.

The inability to control emotions during conflict often worsens the situation. When emotions dominate, a person tends to say or do things that hurt his partner. This can cause deep inner wounds and damage relationships in the long term.

Bad conflict management not only affects the quality of relations but also the mental health of both parties. Here are some of the impacts that can arise:

Unresolved conflicts can cause feelings of stress and anxiety. Continuous emotional tension makes a person feel uncomfortable in a relationship and can have a negative impact on mental health.

Trust is an important foundation in every relationship. Bad conflict management can undermine trust between partners because either or both parties feel they are not being heard or not understood.

As the conflict continues without resolution, the couple may start to feel far away emotionally. Accumulating disappointment can make your partner feel isolated from each other and lose a strong emotional connection.

To solve bad conflict management problems, here are some steps that can be taken:

Make sure to always communicate openly and honestly with your partner. Listen to your partner's opinion without cutting the conversation and try to understand their point of view. Avoid using words that can hurt your partner's feelings.

Instead of blaming each other, focus on finding solutions that both parties can accept. Discuss together how to solve the problem well and try to compromise if necessary.

It is important to remain calm and control emotions during the debate. If feeling emotional starts to get out of control, you should give yourself a break to calm down before continuing the conversation. Regulating emotions well can prevent the conflict from getting hotter.

Back If trust has begun to fade due to protracted conflict, rebuild this trust by showing a more open, honest and consistent attitude. Prove that both of you are committed to improving your relationship.

If It Is Needed If Conflicts in relationships are too complex and difficult to solve on their own, there is nothing wrong with asking for help from counselors or relationship therapists. Professional assistance can provide new guidance and perspectives in solving problems.

Those are some bad conflict management habits in relationships. As a couple, whether married or not, you should avoid the attitudes or habits above so that relationships do not become more tenuous or messy. Also read tips for maintaining a romantic relationship to last.

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