YOGYAKARTA - The honorary title of causa is an academic award given by universities to individuals who have extraordinary contributions in certain fields. Although this person does not pursue formal education in the appropriate field, a person can get a honoris causa title.

The honorary causa title award is the highest form of appreciation that can be given by educational institutions to someone who has a big impact on society. However, the awarding of this title cannot be arbitrary, but there are certain requirements or criteria.

Many are wondering, what are the requirements for universities to give honoris causa titles? There are several conditions and conditions that must be met by universities to be able to provide honoris causa titles.

The main requirement for universities to be able to provide honoris causa titles is that these universities must be accredited by recognized national or international accreditation agencies.

Accreditation is a sign that the university meets the quality standards set and has the ability to organize education programs properly.

Universities that are not accredited are not entitled to grant academic degrees, including honoris causa degrees, because they are considered not to meet the necessary educational standards.

Universities that want to provide honoris causa titles must have a study program that is relevant to the field of expertise or contribution of title recipients. For example, if the honoris causa title is given in the field of law, universities must have recognized and accredited legal faculty or study programs.

This ensures that the award is given based on the knowledge and competence possessed by universities in this field.

The honorary title causa was not given to anyone. Prospective recipients of the title must show extraordinary contributions in certain fields that are in accordance with the study program owned by the college.

This contribution can be in the form of achievements in the fields of academics, science, culture, humanity, leadership, arts, or contributions that have a major impact on the welfare of the community and the development of science.

For example, a figure who has contributed to technological discoveries that are beneficial to the wider community. It could also be someone who has a significant role in maintaining world peace that can be a strong candidate to receive the honorary title causa.

The awarding of the honorary causa title must go through a rigorous process of proposing and evaluation by the university. Usually, this process involves the academic senate or the honorary council which is responsible for assessing the feasibility of prospective recipients of the title.

This evaluation process aims to ensure that the recipients of the title really deserve the award and that the awarding of the title is carried out objectively and without elements of personal or political interests.

The academic Senate will review the life history, achievements, and contributions of prospective recipients before making a final decision. The results of this evaluation process are then submitted to the university for approval or rejection.

Universities that wish to provide honorary causa titles must comply with the rules and regulations set by the government or related institutions. In Indonesia, for example, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology has special rules regarding the provision of honoris causa titles.

Universities must ensure that the process of giving the title is in accordance with applicable legal provisions so as not to cause problems in the future.

The awarding of the honorary causa title must be free from commercial, political, or personal gain. Universities are not allowed to give this title to someone only for the sake of marketing, popularity, or for financial gain.

This is done to maintain academic integrity and ensure that the honoris causa title is given purely based on the achievements and real contributions of prospective recipients.

Such is the review of the requirements for higher education to be able to give a honoris causa title. All requirements and processes must be carried out according to the provisions to ensure that the honoris causa title remains the highest form of appreciation given for one's achievements and dedication in certain fields. Also read what the honoris causa title is.

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