YOGYAKARTA - In the food industry, dyes are often used to make food to make it look more attractive. Starting from candy, cakes, snacks, to packaged drinks, many products are given additional dyes. Although it looks tempting, you need to know that there are some dangerous food dyes.

However, not all food dyes are safe for consumption. There are several types of dyes that contain harmful chemicals. Consumption of food mixed with dye can have a negative impact on health, especially if consumed continuously in the long term.

Therefore, it is important to recognize the types of food dyes that are dangerous and understand their impact on the body.

There are some food dyes that have a negative effect on health if consumed in large quantities or in the long term. Some of them have even been banned in some countries due to the health risks they cause. Here are some food dyes that are considered dangerous:

Tartrazine is an artificial yellow dye that is often found in light drinks, candy, and other snacks. Some studies suggest that this dye can cause allergic reactions in some people,

especially those who are sensitive toRATEs. In addition, behindrazine is also suspected to be related to hyperactivity disorders in children.

Auramin is usually present in the form of bright yellow powder which is easily dissolved in water and is included in food dyes that are prohibited from being used. This coloring is often used to color skin ingredients, paints, bolpens, candles, and carbon paper.

According to a study published by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (2012), oral auramin administration in test animals shows the development of hepatomas (heart cancers).

In addition, the journal also reports that workers involved in the auramin manufacturing process have a 13 times higher risk of developing a urinary tumor.

According to the website of the Indonesian Processed Food Standardization Directorate, rhodamin B is a color that is carcinogenic or can trigger cancer risk. This color is commonly used in textiles, soap, plastic, and wood, so it is important to avoid the possibility of being swallowed by rhodamin B.

If consumed through foods containing this forbidden dye, rhodamin B can be absorbed in the digestive tract and accumulate in fat tissues. As a result, the liver must work harder to neutralize these harmful substances. The long-term exposure of rhodamin B can damage liver function and increase the risk of liver cancer.

Metanil Yellow is a dangerous food coloring that has brownish yellow color. This coloring is commonly used to color textiles, paints, paper, and products made from animal skin. Foods mixed with this coloring usually look brighter and more striking, often with uneven coloring.

Large amounts of methanyl chant exposure can cause digestive disorders such as vomiting and diarrhea. If consumed in the long term, this dye has the potential to cause problems in the nervous system and increase the risk of bladder cancer.

Allura Red, also known as Red-40, is a dye that gives a bright red color. This color is often used in fast food restaurants, especially in the manufacture of strawberries ice cream, and can be found in candy and drinks.

Even so, Allura Red contains benzidine which is known as a carcinogen or cancer trigger. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has long warned that this dye is not good for health, especially for children. In addition, the FDA also sets a safe limit for consumption of Allura Red, which is 7 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day.

Hazardous coloring of artificial foods can cause various health problems, both in the short and long term. Some of the side effects that may occur include:

Those are some types of food dyes that are harmful to health. Given the bad effects that can be caused, you must be selective in choosing food in order to maintain health. Also read what balanced nutrition is for the body.

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