YOGYAKARTA - Who doesn't want to explore the world while working? Cruise ships offer a unique experience by visiting various exotic destinations. However, the question is, how does a cruise ship work?

This article will thoroughly explore everything you need to know about working on cruise ships, from requirements, recruitment processes, to everyday life on board.

Reporting from the Vocational page of the Ministry of Education and Culture, here are some tips so that you are welcome to work on your dream yacht:

It is important to know that working on a cruise ship is not just a long vacation. Apart from being mentally strong, you need to have special experience and skills that suit the demands of the shipping industry.

Now many training institutions offer special programs to prepare prospective cruise crew members.

To realize the dream of sailing, you need to complete various administrative requirements. Passports, as international travel documents, are one that must be owned.

In addition, you will need a certificate such as BST (Basic Safety Training) which will be proof of your competence in terms of safety at sea.

In addition, document requirements for working on cruise ships vary according to the department.

Before continuing, also read the article discussing the Broadcast Ship Vacation: Here Are Some Recommendations That Are Definitely So Exciting

If you want to work in a hotel department, you will need a marine certificate of expertise such as Food Handler for the kitchen, as well as general certificates such as BST, SAT, and CCM.

In addition to marine certificates of expertise, personal documents such as passports, sailors' books, medical check-ups, and work contracts provided by agents must also be completed.

Although both offer accommodation and services, cruise ships have very different dynamics from hotels on land.

As a crew, you must be ready to work in a fast and efficient environment, serving many guests at the same time.

However, don't worry, high adaptability will really help you in facing these challenges.

Apart from going through training institutions, you can also look for job opportunities directly on the website of shipping companies.

Now, many cruise ship companies regularly open job vacancies. Diligently check their website to get the latest information.

To stand out among many applicants, you need to compile an attractive and informative application document.

For that, make a creative CV and include all relevant skills and experiences. Don't forget to include certificates that support your qualifications.

English is a universal language in the shipping industry. Ability to communicate well in English will make it very easy for you to interact with colleagues from various countries and provide the best service to guests.

Please note, good English language skills, especially at the basic level of communication, are very important.

The recruitment process generally involves several stages, ranging from initial screening by recruitment agents, interviews with the HR department, to in-depth interviews with the head of the relevant department.

Well, some leading shipping companies such as the Royal Caribbean Cruise Line and Celebrity Cruise Line allow applicants to register directly without going through agents.

In addition to how it works on cruise ships, follow other interesting articles too. Want to know other interesting information? Don't miss it, keep an eye on the updated news from VOI and follow all the social media accounts!

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