YOGYAKARTA Hemoragic stroke is a fairly worrying medical condition, because it can cause paralysis in certain parts of the body. To increase awareness of this disease, let's see the types of hemoragic strokes in the following reviews.

Quoted from the National Institutes of Health (NCBI), hemoragic stroke is bleeding in the brain due to rupture of blood vessels.

This medical condition requires rapid treatment to prevent possible brain damage that is getting worse and risks causing defects to death.

Hemorrhagic stroke is more dangerous than ischemic stroke caused by blockage of blood vessels to the brain.

In a hemorrhagic stroke, blood vessels in the brain have broken so that patients can experience decreased consciousness and neurological disorders.

Adapting the Cleveland Clinic, the most common cause of hemoragic stroke is uncontrolled high blood pressure (hypertension) for a long time.

In addition, there are still several other medical conditions that can cause hemoragic strokes, including:

Based on the location of the bleeding, hemorrhagic stroke can be distinguished into three types, including:

Quoted from AI-Care, several conditions can increase the occurrence of hemoragic stroke, namely:

When do you have to go to a doctor? If you or your closest family experience symptoms of hemorrhagic stroke, such as sudden neurologicals such as speech, weakness or paralysis of movement members, even seizures or decreased consciousness, immediately visit the nearest health facility in order to get the right treatment.

That's information about the types of hemorrhagic strokes. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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