What Is Good Friday And What Does It Mean For Christians?
Illustration (Alem Sanchez / Pexels)

JAKARTA - This year, Good Friday falls on Friday, April 2, 2021. Good Friday is the anniversary of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the hill Golgotha. In the Gregorian calendar, Good Friday is always celebrated every Friday before Easter week.

Good Friday is also one of the Tri Holy days. The Tri Suci Day is the final series of Easter which includes Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Resurrection Mass of Jesus which is often known as the Easter Vigil. These three days are important days leading up to Easter.

The Tri Holy Day is a form of worship for Christians, especially Catholics, in commemoration of the death and resurrection of Jesus. Then what does it mean Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil?

Understanding Good Friday

As previously mentioned, Good Friday is the commemoration of Jesus Christ's death on the cross after his trial. After experiencing various tortures and sufferings, Jesus finally died on Mount Golgotha on the cross. This death is believed by Christians as a form of atonement for the sins of mankind.

However, this Good Friday commemoration is not a moment to grieve, but a moment full of love. It is told in the Bible, after Jesus died and was buried, on the third day He rose from the dead.

Now, this resurrection of Jesus will be called Easter Day, which coincides with Sunday. The meaning or meaning of Easter is the Day of Resurrection.

Teaches About Forgiveness

The first meaning of Good Friday is to teach all Christians that there is forgiveness from God. With the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, God shows His love for all Christians by forgiving their sins. Even when he was alive, Jesus showed how important love is to life. He always helps and loves those around him. Even when He was suffering, Jesus asked God the Father to forgive the guilty person.

This is because Jesus knew that humans are very limited creatures and have many weaknesses that make them easy to fall into sin. Jesus taught that there is no point in harboring or harboring hatred for others. Repaying evil with evil will not change anything, only other crimes will arise.

Teach That Suffering Is Not the End

The meaning of the second good Friday is that suffering is not the end of a story. Everyone has their own burdens and sufferings. Anyone who wants to follow Jesus Christ, it is said, must also be ready to take up his cross, or his burdens and sufferings. Being a Christian does not promise to live comfortably and always be happy. There are many challenges in life that you have to go through. Later, how you view the burden is the most important, whether it becomes a challenge or a suffering.

You have to believe that life is decorated with various challenges and tests. Don't just hope for fun and convenience. By focusing on your goals, you will feel that life has to struggle and the joy will come if you keep trying.

By commemorating Good Friday by struggling, and thinking that suffering is not the end of the story, but only the beginning of the journey, you will make life more meaningful.

As a Moment to Build a Winner Mentality

Life is full of challenges and obstacles. A person will only be said to be a winner if he passes the challenge or obstacle. By passing through these challenges and obstacles, a person can go to the next level in his life. It is with these obstacles and challenges that your personality will be formed.

You can learn from the problems or exams you face in your daily life. By dealing with all of that, you can have experience and be wiser in life. With this a winning mentality can be formed. People who already have a winning mentality know that they have to try hard before they reach their goals. By passing through life's challenges, he knows he will be happy when he succeeds in the future.

Good Friday is a moment where Christians should clean up and form a winning mentality. So it's not just a celebration or a memorial, but it can make yourself develop to the next level.

Holy Thursday is the beginning of the Tri Holy Days which is also the commemoration of the last supper of Jesus with the twelve apostles. This commemoration is marked by the ceremony of washing the feet as teaching to serve.

Easter Sunday itself is an important day in calculating the date of the celebration of other Christian holy days including Good Friday. Another example is Palm Sunday is celebrated one week before Easter week, Ascension of the Messiah is celebrated 40 days after Easter Sunday and Pentecost is celebrated 50 days after Easter Sunday.

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