JAKARTA - Recently, the weather and temperature in several parts of Indonesia have felt hot, both in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Hot to direct sunlight that is exposed to the skin will have a negative impact, such as damaged skin, to skin cancer. In addition, exposure to sunlight makes the skin dry and unhealthy.

Therefore, you should maintain your skin to stay healthy and moist. Here's an easy way to take care of your skin to stay healthy, as reported by the University ofwaso Medical Center page on Tuesday (2/10/2024).

Hydration is important, not only for overall health but also for maintaining skin beauty. Extorted skin can cause skin to appear dry, dull, and scaly. You will begin to realize the presence of fine lines and wrinkles.

During hot weather, the body loses more water through sweat, so it is important to stay hydrated throughout the day. Drinking enough water helps remove toxins, keeps the skin chewy, and prevents them from getting dry.

Don't forget to bring a water bottle. If water feels boring, add cucumber slices, lemons, or mint leaves for a refreshing touch.

Implementing the skin topically with skin care products that contain ingredients such as hyaluronic acid are also of the same importance.

2. Use sunscreen

Dangerous ultraviolet light can damage the skin can cause burned skin, premature aging, and increased the risk of skin cancer. One in 5 Americans can develop skin cancer in life.

So it is important to take extra prevention steps. Always use a broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher and apply it evenly to all open skin areas.

Tips, choose sunscreen with mineral basic ingredients such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. This natural compound is on the skin's surface and fends off sunlight so that UV radiation does not penetrate the skin. Plus, active ingredients reflect UVA and UVB light.

If you are prone to hyperpigmentation, choose a colored mineral-based sunscreen. Iron oxide is the main ingredient in colored sunscreen, and is known to block the visible/blue light, which can contribute to the production of pigments on the skin.

3. Wear sunscreen repeatedly

Remember to apply sunscreen every two hours, especially if you swim or sweat. You can try powdered sunscreen or 30+ SPF solid if you don't want to continue applying the liquid formula.

You have to use sunscreen even on cloudy days. Although clouds can cover the sun, clouds cannot stop UV light. While UVB can't penetrate the glass, UVA can.

The UVA exposure causes collagen degradation and can accelerate signs of aging. Therefore, protection is still needed even indoors or while sitting in the car to keep the skin young, smooth, and healthy.

Antioxidants are super "heroes" for the skin, especially during hot weather. The sun can cause unstable molecules, called free radicals. This can damage cells in the skin.

However, foods rich in antioxidants such as berries, oranges, and green leafy vegetables can stabilize these free radicals, so as not to damage skin cells. Antioxidants also increase collagen production, keeping the skin young and luminous.

Consider using skin care products that contain antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and green tea extract to strengthen skin defense against environmental damage.

Soak the skin with care after being exposed to sunlight after a day sunbathing in the sun. Bath cold water to calm the skin and remove sweat or the remnant of sunscreen.

Continue with a moisturizing and calming moisturizer to restore the lost moisture. If you are on the sun, apply gel aloe vera to calm the affected area.

Avoid painting your skin and staying away from hot sources such as hot showers to prevent further irritation. To protect the skin, wear protective clothing and find shelter during peak hours of the sun.

By following this simple routine, you will enjoy healthy and glowing skin throughout the summer by making the best use of your time.

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