Jakarta - One of the main factors that often trigger the desire to commit suicide among the younger generation is the inner child that has not been resolved. This was revealed by Coach Pris, Founder of HappySelf by Stress Management Indonesia.

The rise of suicide cases in academic circles (students/students) and (employees) in recent years has shown the fragility of their mental health and the lack of public understanding of the importance of mental health.

Public understanding of mental health, triggering the desire to commit suicide, and preventive measures that can be taken to detect and prevent suicide attempts are still minimal.

In order to welcome the commemoration of the World Mental Health Day 2024 which will fall on October 10, attention is again focused on the importance of creating an understanding of mental health for the community. This year, the global theme raised is Time to Prioritize Mental Health in Work', which is considered very relevant to Indonesian society, especially among young adults.

"Inner child refers to parts of us that still carry wounds or trauma from childhood. When these wounds are not resolved, they can trigger overreaction to various challenges or small things that are against our expectations or desires. The younger generation, who are often at the crossroads of life and face great pressure, is more susceptible to this trigger because they have not found a way to deal with the internal conflict," he explained.

Many young people face mental health challenges, ranging from academic pressure, work pressure, to uncertainty in living life. Although this is often considered normal, in reality, many young people feel down and even think about committing extreme actions such as suicide. Suicide cases among students and young workers are increasingly rampant, suggesting that many of them have difficulty finding a way out of their mental problems.

According to WHO data in 2024, more than 720,000 people worldwide die from suicide every year, and more worryingly, the 15-29 year age group is the most vulnerable group. In Indonesia, the Indonesian Ministry of Health cites data from the National Police which shows that in 2023, there were 1,350 deaths from suicide. As of August 2024, suicide even became the fourth most public order disruption case. If you don't act immediately, this risk will further threaten the younger generation.

For example, someone who has an inner child is injured by a lack of acceptance in childhood can become very sensitive to criticism or rejection in adults. They may feel overwhelmed by academic or work pressure, and their emotional response could lead to feelings of despair, triggering a desire to commit suicide.

Preventive measures to detect and prevent suicide are very important in efforts to deal with this crisis. Here are some ways that families, colleagues, and the surrounding environment can do to detect signs and help someone who may be at risk of committing suicide

If you suspect someone is at risk of suicide, start by talking to them. Listen with all your attention without judging or forcing a solution. Ask directly, such as: "I noticed you're not doing well, is there anything you think about?" Even though it feels scary, asking this question won't "inspire" someone to commit suicide; on the other hand, it shows that you care.

They may experience difficulty sleeping or even excessive sleep. A drastic change in diet, either losing appetite or eating excessively, can also be a sign.

Leading them to professional assistance such as counseling services or self-healing is very important. One way of self-healing that you can try is the book Self Love Journaling by Indonesian Stress Management. With the book Self Love Journaling, you can write down your feelings and thoughts without fear of being noticed by others.

Try to keep these people from being alone for a long time, especially at the most vulnerable times. Invite them to do light activities or just be around other people to reduce feelings of isolation.

HappySelf by Stress Management Indonesia, as one of the companies focused on mental health in Indonesia, continues to develop programs that support the mental well-being of young workers and students. One of HappySelf's initiatives is the book Self Love Journaling, which can help you recognize and express your feelings, so that it can be the first step in preventing the desire to commit suicide. Self Love Journaling is not just a writing tool, but also a healing process to help us stay connected to ourselves and relieve the pressure you feel. Writing is a simple form of therapy that you can start at any time.

As part of the commitment to improve the mental well-being of the younger generation, HappySelf will hold a free workshop titled "Inner Child Art Journaling" on October 10, 2024 in the framework of World Mental Health Day. This workshop is designed to help you explore the creative side as well as cure inner wounds that may still be left behind from childhood. By following this workshop, you can dive into and make peace with the inner child, as well as create peace and love in you. For more information and free registration, you can check Instagram @happyselfbysmi.

The process of helping someone who is at risk is not only finished in one conversation. Stay in touch and communicate. Give encouragement to get further treatment and keep checking how their condition is from time to time. If you or someone you know are struggling with the mind of suicide, don't hesitate to seek help. Together, we can create an environment that cares more about mental health and supports each other

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