YOGYAKARTA Sariawan experienced by children is natural. This condition can be handled independently but must first know the type of sariawan in children. Knowing the type will help parents determine the right handling steps.

Quoted from AI Care, shariawan in babies can be caused by various factors ranging from flu, virus attacks, and so on. To get to know more about the type of sariawan child, see the following article.

Reporting from the official website of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association or IDAI, the type of child filterer is divided into 4 based on the causes, namely stomatics aphtousa, oral threshold, stomatical herpetic, and hand, foot and mouth disease. Each filter is triggered by a different cause, namely the following.

This type of sariawan is the most common experienced by babies and children. The reason is because of trauma caused by trauma or scratched when brushing teeth. This shariawan is marked by the appearance of small hatchlings in the mouth, can be on the inner lip, on the inner cheek, even on the tongue.

This searawan was triggered by a fungus called Candida Albicans. The mushrooms grow excessively in the mouth area, triggering the appearance of beige white lesions. Its appearance can be on the tongue or inner cheek. These mushrooms will grow excessively when the child is in a weak durability condition.

Herpetic stomatics is a filterer caused by a virus called Herpes simplex. This disorder is accompanied by inflammation in the gum and lips area, even triggering quite painful wounds.

This searawan is related to Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFMD) or Singapore flu. Children who experience HFMD filterers will be characterized by fever, sore throat, not feeling well, and decreased appetite. When the child has a fever of 1 to 2 days, a red spot will appear in the oral cavity. These seeds can break and cause sariawan.

When the mother finds out that her baby has a health problem in the form of a shariawan, don't panic immediately. Sariawan is a natural thing and often experienced by children. Here are steps that can be done alone at home when the child is sariawan.

Try to compress sariawan wounds with cold fruits. However, this method can only be done for babies who can eat solid food.

When it comes to parents, they must pay attention to the food. Avoid spicy, salty, and acidic foods in children who experience filtering.

If the sariawan continues to deteriorate, it is advisable to take the child to a pediatrician. Doctors will conduct a number of examinations on child filterers.

Those are some types of sariawan in children. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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