YOGYAKARTA - The names "soft approach" and "hard approach" are often used in the world of management, negotiations, and leadership to describe the styles or procedures used by a person in tackling certain situations. These two approaches represent 2 different types of approaches in solving problems, leading teams, or negotiating. So, what are the differences in the soft approach and hard approach? Listen to the end, yes!

There are advantages and shortcomings of each method, and how it is used depending on the atmosphere, purpose, and characteristics of people or organizations.

Definition Of Soft Approach And Hard Approach

Soft approach is a more flexible, cooperative, and focused on intermediate bonds. In management, this approach prioritizes discussion, understanding, and cooperation between participating parties. Those who adopt soft approaches generally pay more attention to the needs and feelings of others, and seek to find solutions that are beneficial (win-win solutions). Empathy and good communication are the keys in solving problems through this approach.

In contrast, hard approach is a more assertive, direct, and sometimes confrontational method. This approach focuses on achieving the final and final results, despite the rejection from other parties. Those who use hard approaches tend to be more goal-oriented and not pay close attention to the emotional aspect or inter-individual ties. In negotiations, they often use pressure tactics to achieve goals.

Soft Approach

Some of the main characteristics of the soft approach include:

An example of a soft approach can be seen in transformational leadership, where a leader looks more at input, motivates, and encourages the development of individuals and groups.

Hard Approach

On the other hand, hard approach has several main characteristics, including:

This approach is usually applied in crisis management, where leaders are required to take firm action to tackle the situation as quickly as possible. In negotiations, hard approaches may associate a rougher bargaining position in order to achieve optimal benefits for one party.

Excess And Shortages Of Each Approach

Soft approach has an advantage, especially in building long-term bonds, producing a conducive working atmosphere, and urging cooperation. However, the weakness is that this approach sometimes seems very soft or less assertive, which can make people or organizations more easily influenced by other parties. Not only that, the process towards an agreement can take longer because it requires constant discussion and negotiations.

In contrast, hard approach excels in terms of efficiency and assertiveness. This approach can spur decision making and be more efficient in situations that require lightning action. However, the weakness is the risk of damaging intermediate bonds, increasing tension, and lowering the level of trust between the participating parties. If it is applied excessively, hard approaches can provide good short-term results, but disrupt future cooperation.

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