JAKARTA - Today, March 30th, the K-pop group made by Star Crew ENT, HOTSHOT has been disbanded. The agency wrote an official statement after many fans questioned the group's status.

"HOTSHOT, a group that debuted in 2014 and have been together for a long time decided to conclude group activities as of March 30, 2021."

Even though they have disbanded as a group, the agency will support every activity carried out by HOTSHOT members.

“Once again we thank you for all the support and we apologize for bringing shocking news to fans who love HOTSHOT. Please give a lot of attention and support to the members who are carrying out individual activities in the future. "

HOTSHOT is a group that debuted in 2014 and consists of Roh Tae Hyun, Junhyuk, Timoteo, Ha Sung Woon, San, and Hojung. They made their debut with the song Take a Shot on October 29.

Then, Taehyun and Sungwoon took part in the Produce 101 Season 2 competition. Sungwoon came out in 11th place and became a member of the group Wanna One while Taehyun joined JBJ.

Timoteo and Hojung participated in The Unit competition. Hojung was ranked third and was part of the winning group of UNB.

In 2018, HOTSHOT released their second mini album, Early Flowering, with the song I Hate You.

Taehyun has released one mini album, Birthday in 2019, San released several solo songs and Ha Sung Woon has four albums and fills Korean drama soundtracks and collaborates with other Korean musicians.

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