JAKARTA - It is not difficult to have style in the style of Korean artists today. If you want to have products like K-pop idols, Marhen.J, for example, this brand is already available in Indonesia.

Marhen.J is present exclusively in the country through iStyle.id. This is a brand from South Korea which is popular for its fashionable bag products.

In the iStyle.id x Marhen.J event which was held on Wednesday, March 24, Prilly Latuconsina was asked to be the first Indonesian artist to own a limited edition bag from Marhen.J.

But, not only Prilly, now you can have Marhen's bag too. Then, who are the K-pop idols who use this brand? Let's take a peek below!


On several occasions, OH MY GIRL personnel often used Marhen.J's bags. In fact, Arin already has a Hey bag from this brand. Arin likes bags that are not too big so Marhen.J is perfect for his daily activities.


Not only women, men can also have a Marhen bag. J is like soloist Henry Lau who seems confident in using the Rico bag. The black color makes this bag suitable for sports or training.

Kim Sejeong

This versatile idol is also fond of wearing a Marhen.J. bag. Through his Instagram account, the player of The Uncanny Counter is seen posing with a Milly Nano bag from this brand.

Lee Hi

Marhen.J bag is a vegan fashion bag so that the materials used are always safe and do not harm nature. Like the one worn by Lee Hi, the Jay bag from Marhen.J looks minimalistic and can be combined with any outfit.

Kim Bo Ra

Beautiful actress Kim Bo Ra often uploads her clothes through social media. On several occasions, Kim Bo Ra likes to carry various types of Marhen.J bags. This SKY Castle player also looks elegant and matches his cheerful personality.

Now, you can be like them. Marhen.J through iStyle.id has just launched a variety of limited edition bags starting from the Bella bag, the New Sunny bag, and the Hey Bag.

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