JAKARTA - Singer Taylor Swift stole the show after helping a mother whose husband lost her due to COVID-19.

Monday, March 22, Taylor and her mother Andrea Swift's names appeared on a list of donors on a GoFundMe website for Vickie Quarles, a mother of five who was widowed after her husband died one week before Christmas.

They donated as much as 36,400 pounds, equivalent to Rp721 million. Because of the money donated by the Cardigan singer, the Quarles family currently gets £ 44,000 (Rp.873 million).

DeQuanda Smith, a close friend of Quarles wrote that this donation is very useful for the financial needs as well as the development of their children.

Swift is known for a number of generous acts. In late December, she donated money to two mothers from Nashville who could not pay their bills due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I read about you in the Washington Post and I thought you were very brave to share this story," wrote Swift completing the donation.

Swift is also helping students in the UK who are struggling to pay for tuition fees due to the pandemic and a music store in Nashville that is facing closure due to this predicament.

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