YOGYAKARTA - For some people who weigh 60 kg, that includes being fat, especially for women, plus if the height is only around 150 cm, you could say you need a diet! Is there a way to lose 60 kg to 45 kg? Yes of course there is, see the review below, let's go!

If you weigh an initial 60 kilograms, this article will share some guidelines on how to reduce weight to 45 kilograms.

"The following are steps in how to lose 60 kilograms of weight to 45 kilograms," we watched the trick.

I. Determine Destinations and Schedule Time

Reducing weight is not an easy matter and can be an old process. There are times, even though you have been on a diet and exercising in an orderly manner, you always don't lose weight or even go up. However, don't give up quickly and keep trying to achieve your goals.

As a start, try to set realistic and measurable goals. Don't be too ambitious in setting a weight loss target that is impossible to achieve in a short time. In contrast, start with a smaller and measurable target, for example reducing 1-2 kilograms a week. With this method, you can see the progress you achieve each week and be more motivated to achieve your goals.

II. Consume Healthy Food

Healthy foods are indeed very important to reduce body weight. Various appearances of cooking eaten every day can affect the weight loss process. If you want to reduce weight, you should consume more fruits and vegetables. Rich fruit and vegetables will be fiber and good nutrition for the body, so that they can help protect overall health and fitness.

Not only that, you should stay away from foods that have saturated fat and high sugar. Foods such as fried foods, fast foods, cakes, candy, soft drinks, and so on can make weight rise rapidly and difficult to control. Should replace it with healthier foods such as:

The need for body fluids for each person varies, depending on weight, gender, age, physical activity, environmental temperature, and health conditions. However, in general, it is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day or about 2 liters. Drinking water which is quite important to help protect your body's health and lose weight.

Water is the main source of fluids needed by the body. Water helps the body's metabolism run well, thereby enforcing the process of burning fats and calories. Not only that, but water also helps eliminate toxins in the body and protects the balance of fluids in the body.

Lack of fluids in the body can cause body fluids loss, which can slow down the body's metabolic processes and make us feel lethargic and not excited. Not only that, losing body fluids can also cause excessive hunger and the desire to consume unhealthy foods.

III. Regular Exercise

Exercise is one of the most efficient methods for burning calories and losing weight. Not only helping burn calories, exercising can also increase body metabolism, increase strength and endurance, and protect heart health and blood vessels.

To obtain maximum benefits from exercising in losing weight, it is recommended to carry out exercise in an orderly manner of at least 30 minutes every day. In carrying out exercise, choosing sports that are liked and suitable for your body condition. For example, if you like to run, try to regularly run every morning or evening. If you like swimming, try to make you go swimming regularly every week.

Some types of sports that can help lose weight include:

This exercise is quite easy to try and does not require special equipment. Running fast or jogging can burn calories and improve heart and lung health.

Cycling can burn calories and increase leg muscle strength. You can do this exercise outdoors or in the gym using a static bike.

Swimming is a low impact sport, so it is appropriate for people who have problems with joints or knees. Swimming can also burn calories and increase muscle strength.

Aerobics are sports that associate choreography movements and musical rhythms. This exercise can burn calories, improve heart health, and increase body flexibility.

Exercising weightlifting can help increase muscle strength and spur body metabolism. However, this sport should be carried out with expert supervision or experienced trainers to avoid injury.

Not only carrying out sports, try to integrate physical movements into your daily activities, for example:

In addition, you can also make more sure by reading: 5 Ways to Lose Weight Without Torturing Yourself

So after knowing how to lose 60 kg to 45 kg in weight, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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