JAKARTA - Sadness is not recommended to be held and settled. If detained, it can interfere with mental health. There are not a few people who don't know how to let go of sadness.

Sadness that is buried, piled up, and difficult to express in a prolonged manner can trigger more fatal effects, including low self-esteem and even bipolar disorder. So as not to be prolonged, these 8 activities can be done to release sadness.


Many people think crying is a sign of weakness. However, the fact is that crying can help to release stress hormones. Crying also makes it easy to fall asleep and releases the blockage in your heart. Crying positively as a way of expressing sadness.


Writing or keeping a daily journal can be an activity that releases sadness. The sadness that cannot be expressed verbally can be written in each version. You can write down things that make you sad, you can also make it an interesting story in the form of a literary story.


There are many people who find it difficult to describe their situation in words. This can be overcome by drawing. By playing on canvas or paper and colorful paint, feelings of sadness can be expressed.

Take a warm shower

The warm feeling of flowing water can relax the body. If the prolonged feeling of sadness makes you feel stressed and depressed, then try taking a warm shower or bath.


There are two types of meditation, namely meditation by sitting and staying still. Another type of meditation is walking meditation. Meditation by sitting and being silent, the body can feel to be present without being burdened with the past.

This form of meditation can also feel the breath and be more grateful for what you have experienced, no matter how bad it is.

Second, walking meditation can be done by solo travel. You can also stop in a quiet place, dive into the landscape and enjoy the wind beating the leaves.

Take a walk

Japanese people have this custom on the weekends. They take a walk to nature to get away from the conditions and activities that are burdensome. After a day or two, return to normal activities. The effect, sadness will not be prolonged anymore.

cara mengatasi kesedihan
Illustration of a walk (Pexels / Tobi)


This activity can distract the overarching sadness. For a moment, preparing ingredients for cooking, chopping vegetables or measuring flour for making snacks can keep the mind from dwelling on sad events.

If possible, invite close friends. After the food or food is processed, you can have a heart-to-heart conversation.

Tell a close friend

Prolonged sadness can be caused by loneliness. The way to release it, can be by confiding in close friends. Sometimes someone doesn't need to be given an assessment or suggestion, just telling a story so that the tightness of the chest can be freer.

Prolonged sadness can be overcome in various ways. The eight activities above, you can try. If you need other activities, do self-care activities and avoid doing things that are self-destructive.

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