YOGYAKARTA - Flours from ancient times are food ingredients that can be said to be quite basic in several countries. But did you know that there seems to be a lot of flour? Let's discuss the types of flour below!

The reason is, each meal is used to make a different dish, so if you study cooking, you need to recognize this type of flour.

Pasti tidak pas bukan kalau-gara salah tembuk, Kalian malah membuat cake terong sementara itu inginnya membuat terong krispi? Oleh karena itu, let's know the following kinds of flour:

I. Sagu Flour

As the name suggests, sago flour is a cooking ingredient made from the extract of sago plants. This texture of the material is very similar to tapioka, therefore it is not surprising that both can be used alternately.

Sago flour is not only sold in a solid form, but can also be processed into a slightly liquid and sticky, a kind of porridge to eat together with boiled or fried fish. This material is widely used for special ingredients of eastern Indonesia, such as papeda, sago cake or bika ambon cake.

II. Flour Ketan

The first type of flour is glutinous flour made from glutinous rice (glutinous rice). Rice ketan itself is a type of rice that is usually found in Southeast Asia and South Asia. Therefore, it is not surprising that this sticky rice is usually used to make culinary delights typical of countries that are in this area, including Indonesian-style black density porridge.

Although both rice floats, this one ingredient is different from the flour above. The taste of food made from this material is usually sticky. Examples of snacks made from this ingredient include onde-onde, gandos cake, TOx cake and many others.

III. Flour of potatoes

Other ingredients that can be made for flour are potatoes. The potato flour is made by using the method of smoothing potatoes with water repeatedly to obtain cells from this plant. If you are interested in making it yourself at home, you can insert a clean potato slice into the blender, then take the sieve from the dough to be filtered several times with water and dried.

potato flour is generally used to make cakes, a kind of potato donut and to thicken the dough on the soup. On the other hand, potato flour is also said to have health benefits, such as increasing the sensitivity of the insulin hormone and intensifying digestion.

IV. Flour Ubi Jalar

In the garden of your house, do you have a lot of sweet potatoes? Instead of not cooking, it's better if you use it to make sweet potato flour. Although not well known, this one material can be used as a substitute for wheat flour to make cakes, a kind of bolu cake or brown bolu.

The method of making it is also fairly easy. You just have to clean the sweet potatoes from the skin and the sap, cut it smallly, then soak with methabisulfit liquid, after that it is dried and ground or pounded.

V. Flour Sorghum

Sorghum is a grained plant that is usually used to make Goods. Just like other carbohydrates, this plant can also be used to make flour by lubricating and taking the juice. Although it is not commonly applied in Indonesia, this flour has many health benefits, such as to lower weight, to improve digestion to help control blood pressure.

VI. Flour Panir

If some of the types of flour above are made from natural ingredients that are dried directly, then not with panir flour. This material is made from bread that has been dried and then powdered with fine. Generally this material is used to coat crisis foods, such as nuggets, risoles, and so on.

VII. Wheat Flour

The flour flour is made from wheat meat that has been cleaned and ground. The word flour itself is a absorption from the Portuguese trigo which means wheat. According to the protein content, this food ingredient is divided into 3 types, namely:

High protein flour. This material is generally used to make food with a chewy and elastic texture, a kind of pasta and instant noodles.

Medium protein flour. With protein content of 10%-12%, this type of flour is used to make many multipurpose culinary delights, such as dried beans, market snacks or martabak.

The protein flour is low. With protein content below 10%, this one is commonly used to make foods that are crunchy, a kind of variety of fried foods and many more.

VIII. Rice Flour

Suitable for the name, rice flour or rice float is a type of food made from milled or pounded rice. Often used to make various traditional Indonesian snacks, rice fry is also suitable for people who have gluten intolerance from the flour.

Some of Indonesia's typical culinary delights made from this flour include cendol, tadal cake, layered cake, heaven mud, spinal cord porridge and many others. Not only culinary, rice flour is often a mixture of natural masks for the face.

IX. Tapioka Flour

Tapioka Flour or tapioca starch is flour made from the extraction of wood sweet potato bags. The method for it is a cassava that has been washed cleanly, then crushed and squeezed using clean water. Next, the remaining water is filtered to remove the grounds and deposited. Then, defecate with used deposits and dry the remaining pati or dregs.

Some types of food made from this ingredient include chicken meatballs and cows, bricks, and culinary delights using the term aci, a kind of cireng (fried cap), cilok (cooked aci) and cimol (icegemol or rounded).

X. Corn Flour

Flours originating from corn are divided into 2 types, namely corn flour (corn float) and maizena flour (corn starch). The difference between the two is that corn flour is made from whole milled corn seeds. This type of flour has the same color and taste as corn in general and has more nutritional content. Generally, this material is used as a substitute for flour to make cakes.

There is also maizena flour (corn starch) made from endosperms or corn bags. Apparently, it tends to be white and rich in carbohydrates. Unlike corn floating, corn starch is usually used as a water-based cuisine, such as soup or sauce. Not only that, but this material can also be used to soften sponge cake and make milky pastries and fried chicken.

In addition, it is often considered the same, it turns out that this is a different Tepung Sagu and Tapioka who are often considered the same person.

So after knowing the types of flour, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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