JAKARTA - Men are very synonymous as a figure full of mystery. They prefer to harbor problems and even what they feel rather than telling them about it with people around them.

However, this is not entirely true. This happens if they haven't found someone they can feel comfortable with. When they are comfortable, they will not hesitate to share their problems. For that, pay attention to the characteristics of a man is feeling comfortable with a woman.

Be spoiled

Not only women but men also actually have a spoiled side. It's just that, they choose to cover it up to cover the cool image. Now, if you have found a woman who feels suitable and comfortable, men will not be awkward to be spoiled.

Accept all the shortcomings of women

When a man feels comfortable, he will accept all your flaws. Because for him, your presence alone is enough to make a man happy. He is aware that every human being has weaknesses and shortcomings, that he does not really bother with that.

Want to take the time

One of the characteristics of a man, when he feels comfortable with a woman, is that he is willing to spend time with her. Even in the midst of his busy life, he will find ways to take the time to ask how you are or approach the woman he likes.

Appreciate opinion

As explained earlier, men prefer to solve all their problems by themselves. However, if he comes to you to ask for your opinion and values your input, it means that he is very comfortable with you.

Happy to share stories

One of the male characters if he feels comfortable with women is willing to share stories. He will make you a place to share. There is no doubt to pour out feelings, both happy and sad. For him, you are the right place to express all your emotions.

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