JAKARTA - The content of antioxidants can maintain a balanced immune system, but what positive effects can you feel when consuming foods high in antioxidants?

Not many people understand what antioxidants are. Antioxidants are molecules that fight free radicals. Free radicals can trigger various diseases, including diabetes, liver or liver disease, and cancer.

A number of foods contain antioxidants, most of which are fruits and vegetables. Several vitamins are also known as effective antioxidants, including vitamins E and C.

Reporting from Healthline, Tuesday, March 16, free radicals in a balanced amount are still needed by the body. The way it works is so that the body continues to form the immune system, so free radicals are needed as the trigger. However, too many of them could have serious repercussions.

Well, this is where antioxidants work. This 'savior' content balances free radicals and the immune system. When free radicals exceed the amount of antioxidants in the body, this is called an oxidative stress condition and if it is prolonged it can disrupt the stability of DNA and important molecules in the body.

fungsi antioksidan adalah
Berries illustration (Unsplash / Jamie Street)

Not infrequently, when there is oxidative stress, many of the body's cells will die. The most worrying risk can lead to cancer. Conditions that trigger oxidative stress include habits and environmental conditions.

Such as air pollution, cigarette smoke, drinking too much alcohol, too high blood sugar levels, too much intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids, radiation, bacterial, fungal, and viral infections.

Other conditions that cause the body to be susceptible are excessive intake of iron, magnesium, copper. Too little oxygen in the body and exercising for too long can also cause tissue damage.

Where do antioxidants come from? In fact, the body naturally also produces antioxidants called glutathione. In addition, a balanced nutritional intake is also needed to support the body in fighting free radicals.

You can eat foods that contain vitamins C and E, this is natural. Can also increase the intake of multivitamins based on the prescription of consultation with experts. Because everyone has a different body condition, the detailed consideration of their intake needs will be better.

According to several studies, coffee also includes drinks as a source of antioxidants in addition to berries, green tea, dark chocolate, meat, fish, vegetables, and fruits.

Foods that contain antioxidants are water and fat soluble. Water-soluble antioxidants will act as a 'savior' outside the cell. Meanwhile, fat-soluble antioxidants will act in the cell membrane.

To be sure, there are many different types of antioxidant foods. You can identify this from the nutritional information on each food, such as foods that contain lots of vitamins C, E, and flavonoids, which means they are antioxidants.

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