JAKARTA - Wedding photos of Sandy Tumiwa and Henny Mona circulated on social media and made a scene. The reason is, Henny has not officially divorced her previous husband, namely Rio Reifan. Finally, Sandy Tumiwa admitted that he was married to Henny Mona.

The ex-husband of Tessa Kaunang admitted that he chose to marry in series because Henny was still in charge of the divorce process from Rio Reifan. Not wanting to polemic, Sandy also admitted that he had asked Rio Reifan for permission.

Sandy also didn't want to say that he was in a hurry to get married. "I have known Henny for a long time and have been involved in an activity together, and I feel a sense of it. I expressed it on Valentine's Day," said Sandy Tumiwa quoted from the KH Infotainment YouTube channel on Friday (12/3/2021).

Two years as a widower, Sandy admits that he is ready to marry again. "Why not? As long as religion permits and permits, then we just do it, worship. If you want to worship, God willing, everyone will certainly support it. Moreover, we have good intentions, yes," said Sandy Tumiwa.

Henny Mona said their marriage would be registered after all the divorce proceedings were completed. "Because my divorce certificate has not come out yet, when I finish the divorce certificate I will immediately register it with the state civilian," he said.

Henny revealed that Rio knew that Sandy was close during the divorce process and was not the cause of their divorce. Sandy also asked Rio's permission to marry Henny. "Alhamdulillah, everything is fine," said Henny.

"God willing, there is no problem, he is sincere. I just want peace and be fine, after all, everything is already going on, it is God's destiny like this, what else can we do," said Sandy Tumiwa.

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